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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Hey andy, At least, we are two newbies : D i also started just over a year ago...
  2. Hahaha! Roughly translated ( a german translates a french text into english... How could this go wrong? :-)) : I've lost my head In the street saint honore I searched here and there I couldnt find it Tell me wheres my head? I've lost my arms At the place de l'opera I searched here and there I couldnt find it Tell me where are my arms? Since i have lost you Im in pieces on the avenue And i couldnt stick the pieces together back again By myself Repair me my dearest Because im not whole I need you only you Moreover i love you! I lost my nose Outside Le Bon Marché I've searched here and there I haven't found it Tell me, where is my nose? Come back to me my darling My nose isnt important Its you what makes me complete Since i have lost you Im in pieces on the avenue And i couldnt stick the pieces together back again By myself Repair me my dearest Because im not whole I need you only you Moreover i love you! I lost my feet In saint germain de pres I've searched here and there I haven't found it Tell me, where are my feet? Come back to me my darling My nose isnt important Its you what makes me complete
  3. I just found my very first marble and thought this could be funny Do we already have a topic like this? If not, show your first (collectors) marble! How long do you have it? Where did you get it? I got this one when i was 5 or 6 years old... i still remember when my father bought it for me We were at a museum in Munich and i was allowed to choose a souvenir from the museum shop. I played a lot with that one but i always took good care not to damage it. Ah, those memories
  4. Yes they are i guess you just shouldnt take them too serious How about a litte chanson? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPRGkUCDL-Q how do you make those embedded players?
  5. I like this kind of music! Do you know the song shoot him down by alice francis? I would drop a link but thanks to a institution called GEMA, we germans are not allowed to watch this video on youtube -.-
  6. Roy Smeck, playing the Ukulele before it was cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcQYt7xvA8M
  7. The weather in the US must be heavy, its even on the news here in Germany. Meanwhile, we haven't had snow here this winter yet.. very unusual
  8. I just took this photo and thought some of you might find this safety tip useful :-)
  9. No that's not my marble, it's a similar one This text is quite interesting... the seller doesn't seem to be very trustful.... after i checked my marble i informed the seller about my findings (that was January 2, you have to read it from bottom to top): Hallo psi-rabbit, thank you..i will start checking even more..i am sorry you were disappointed.i always want customers to be happy with the item..god bless you. - sheilalinn.58 Von: psi-rabbit An: sheilalinn.58 Betreff: Betreff: Sonstige: psi-rabbit hat eine Nachricht zu 3/4 GERMAN MICA SWIRL MARBLE.....MINTArtikelnummer 131070192063 gesendet. Sendedatum: 02.01.14 15:26:26 MEZ Hallo sheilalinn.58, No Problem, i'll keep the marble, even though it isn't old, its a quite beautiful one! Just wanted to inform you about my findings. with regards - psi-rabbit Von: sheilalinn.58 An: psi-rabbit Betreff: Betreff: Sonstige: psi-rabbit hat eine Nachricht zu 3/4 GERMAN MICA SWIRL MARBLE.....MINTArtikelnummer 131070192063 gesendet. Sendedatum: 02.01.14 14:30:15 MEZ Hallo psi-rabbit, hello..i feel bad that your not happy with your marble.you can return it for a full refund.i have sold thousands of marbles i always back customers and my marbles.i will look at them more but as for the marble you purchased please return and i will refund your money..i bought that marble myself and were in a group of 57 german marbles.i have sold many of them to happy customers.let me know if you want to return and thank you for your service.god bless - sheilalinn.58 Von: psi-rabbit An: sheilalinn.58 Betreff: Sonstige: psi-rabbit hat eine Nachricht zu 3/4 GERMAN MICA SWIRL MARBLE.....MINTArtikelnummer 131070192063 gesendet. Sendedatum: 02.01.14 11:46:28 MEZ Hallo sheilalinn.58, i just wanted you to know that this marble is not an old one. I will just take it as an Contemporary one, i don't want to pick a fight about that. i just want to advise you to check those marbles thoroughly to avoid negative feedbacks.... with regards - psi-rabbit
  10. (Its even more funny when you know the marbles were in a box like this when i tested them )
  11. i don't know if they were sold originally like this but i like the box
  12. Another one :-) its a pleasure watching her playing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aoUxKfHS9I
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bLMwphe284&feature=share&list=FLcwQaVTXLcm_tv42SL_PTTQ&index=29 400 years old and still good ^^
  14. Ok, i just UV-tested the marble together with some others. I expected it not to glow but it did exactly the opposite thing :-) As you see, the others are glowing in a soft yellow, the regarded marble glows in a bright blue... i'm guessing this makes it quite sure its new, what do you think? Sorry about that bad Photo Quality i just got my old phone to take pictures right now...
  15. Yes, this Pontil looks quite similar to that on my marble!
  16. Hello everyone, I'm Stefan and i started collecting marbles just a year ago. Well, this isn't exactly true, i started as a child, when i got my first one, but back then it wasn't the "clean-them-and-put-them-on-a-shelf"-collecting :-) I played a lot with marbles and built a lot of marble runs with everything i could use :-) Today, i'm collecting mostly Handmade Marbles. My collection isn't very big or special, but i like every single marble, because everyone is unique and looks different from the others. I have attached pictures of three of my favourite ones in my collection. I also have a little collection of Contemporary Artist marbles, i have chosen my favourite one from Steve Maslach as my Avatar Picture I am hoping to learn here more about those little colorful glass spheres for which i give away way to much money :-) Greetings from Germany to all of you! Stefan
  17. Hello Guys, thank you for your help! I don't own a UV-Lamp but as i have one at the Laboratory i work, i will test the marble after Holidays. As longer as i look at it, the more i doubt its old... another point is the color of the red stripes. I dont have a single other old marble with such a deep intense red, but i dont know if this is a criteria... I'm also still pondering over that Pontil which looks grinded. I still haven't lost my faith in Humanity but could there be some people which are grinding away Signatures on marbles? Again, thanks for your help! Stefan
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