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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Wanna know why they dont understand math anymore?
  2. this just makes me speechless... dont know what to say about this...
  3. I guess everyone will find his favourite genre in this song i even learned about some genres i didnt knew yet
  4. I never saw marbles like those before. The seller says they are made of glass but it looks more like plastic to me. What do you think? http://www.ebay.de/itm/131108205690
  5. Is it too much culture? Well, we can do something about that
  6. i saw some submarines and i think i know what you mean... i just wasnt sure if this counts too thank you
  7. and now... for variety, Vivaldi This is a real gem. It was rediscovered just 5 years ago, it was lost for a long time.
  8. Today is a good day! The marbles just arrived and i took some photos after is sorted them out. Take a look! There where some interesting looking cateyes with alternating ribbons and two with a cross-like ribbon. The Euro swirls are just great! The big one has 0,91". At last, i got this handmade blue-based swirl which has some damages... it has a small band a little inside the marble... hard to see on the pics... would you call that a submarine?
  9. I once contacted another seller that one of his marbles isnt a old handmade but a new one. He answered that he is completely sure that it IS a old one. I even told another collector and asked him to contact the seller and confirm what i said. The seller didnt care much, i think he still offers his marble as an old handmade one.. I didnt sell much marbles yet, only handmades. I always try to get all of the marble on the photos, especially the damaged parts. I also start all my auctions at 1€ because i believe that it will hit the price its worth. So i don't really got much money for the ones i sold. When i am selling marbles i dont want to make money but give other collectors a chance to get marbles for what they are worth. I was never complimented for this i jut got asked if i could make the shipping cheaper...
  10. One of my favourite movies with one of my favourite movie themes^^
  11. Ah, now i recognize it as a helmet! I still know very little about machinemades but i saw this helmets before
  12. There are some beautiful ones. Even if its nothing special, for me they are, as there are few ways to get those here ... I especially like the white red purple one on the right and the bottom one in the first picture! whats that?
  13. Cool, thanks! Do you still have pictures of those you found?
  14. It took me some time to get some pictures of this. I dont know what to call that one, it has three outer bands in different colors and a core made of many thin threads of different coloured glas, red, white, yellow, orange and black. Its not a latticino pattern it looks more complex. Hard to get that on a picture because of the outer bands...
  15. cool marble! what size is it? -never mind... just found it^^
  16. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/18992-3-rare-handmade-swirls/ thosee would i consider to be very rare
  17. I guess the pricing of those is a thing of how attracting a marble is to you.... i would pay some money for those euro swirls up there^^
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