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Everything posted by ackiedee

  1. HI Cheryl thank you for letting us all know about his mother- . I am sure there is hardly a day that goes by that many of us still think and talk about Alan. Di
  2. HI Since antique handmandes are my faves to collect, I am enjoying this in depth history lesson about them. Thanks Di
  3. OMG WHat cars!! ?? is this the most you ever had? I won't even mention our litle 4' Di
  4. Hello Bob other topic.. how did you weather the storm? saw that CT got 2 ft snow or more... hi to your folks Diane
  5. Hi Lou, I thought you were near Philly- so you still may need the generator..the worse is yet to come.. having some winds in southeast Pa.- am about 20 miles west of Philly. been rainng all day Kbobam- do you live in MD? I grew up on the Eastern Shore. neat Cambridge. water all around there. am hoping for the best here. a couple huge oaks nearby and will be watching them Di
  6. HI Jeff very nice. great photos- lots of info.. thank you very much for your hard work Di
  7. Hi Thisis an interesting thread because I have a couple of them and never even knew that they could even be opened. Ditto with the question that ''bumblebee' asked. how to get them open and not mess them up. thanks Di
  8. HAHA --RON-- THANKS>> I may have to toss out some furniture..I wil bring some antique handmades for viewing-- the ones NOT FOR SALE!!! :>)))))))) Di
  9. what an unusual find..I'd get it in a minute:>)) beautiful lobes and brillinat colors - such clear glass too thanks for showing Di
  10. Will be getting there on Wed and open my room for TH and Fri., stop in say hi, chat a while and look at my ''stuff'' - I always bring lots of goodies and a great variety of ''stuff'':>) make me some offers that it would be hard to refuse (LOL) be good to see the older friends and meet new collectors. Di from southeast PA
  11. So sorry to hear about Art. I always enjoyed talking to him at shows. a happy man . he enjoyed seeing the chevron I got from him years ago when I would bring my display. . he knew marbles. God Bless his family and my prayers and thoughts go out to them. Like Scoop said, ''the big marble show in the sky just keeps getting better and better.'' Di
  12. My thoughts and prayers go out to Alan's family and friends. the loss of a wonderful son and friend. Alan meant so much to the marble community. . a person we all will never forget.. but I want to also emphasize what a wonderful lover of animals Alan was. He would never turn out a stray cat or any animal.. making sure if they were injured they would receive help.. a true giver..in all ways.He would be so upset when one of them passed away.. It will be difficult not to see marbles for sale by Alan. we always knew we would be getting the best.. But we can celebrate his life and remember the many times he would make us laugh at his opinions ( political or otherwise) and he was usually right.. It was my great pleasure to know and meet such a person as Alan and I will always cherish the friendship that we had. Enjoy the next life, Alan. it should be super.. Di
  13. Beautifully stated, Joe,, the absolute truth. Di
  14. God Bless you Alan.. it has been a great fun ride and you will NEVER EVER be forgotten.. Rest in Peace, my friend.. Di
  15. HI..I will be geting there on Wed.. set up in room TH -Fri nite--stop in and say hi. Di
  16. HI All A nice article in Feb 21,2011 issue of AntiqueWeek newspaper. perhaps someone reading this and subscribes to the newspaper is able to copy it here to read. I don't have that capability. Story is about a woman that got a huge antique handmade from her grandfather when she was 5 and what she has gone thru to find out more about it. great story and nicely written..sounds like a super marble.. be nice if she could put it on the board for us to see.. Di . (long time antique handmade collector)
  17. Thank you Nancy for posting the article. I knew someone would know how to do it:>)) Di
  18. Hi I received my issue of AntiqueWeek today and on the front page is an article "ALOX:FROM SHOELACES TO TOYS".. continued on another fuul page of marbles and the boxes, etc.. I thought those of you that collect these would enjoy the article. Unfortunately, I am not that knowledgeable on how to take pics of pages to put the article on the chat board. but am sure that someone else gets the newspaper and can do that. Di
  19. HI All I will be there Friday and open up in the eve.. Have a good travel, Bill- see you there Di
  20. Hello I plam to get in on Wed. bringing some of my antique handmades to show off:>)) hope to see you Ric. enjoyed your pics of the Chihuly exhibit. Di
  21. Good morning I will be going to the Wheaton Show. My Patriotic marbles are anxious to be shown:>)) (They were sad they there was no show last year.) Maybe the show will now be an every two year show. That is better than no show at all. Sure hope to see many of the artists from the last show. Enjoy your day-- all day heavy rain and winds here in southeast PA. Di
  22. HI Sue we may have snow until June.. never never had so much back to back.. and a little more tonight . I figure this one will be just a topping to cover the ugly snow-haha! Di
  23. Thanks for a great report and pics,Joe..since I could not make it this year, was nice to read and see. Anyway, that Wed when I would have left, we were getting clobbered with 18 more inches of snow to the already 20'' on the ground.. so could not have even gotten out if I had planned to go... Smitty ALWAYS does a great job and YES for the AUG. show... Thanks again Di
  25. Thanks,Smitty, for the info.I know you were working hard to find a place for the show. It should be a good place.. will just have to drive back for Hog Heaven BBQ- haha! see you in Feb Di
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