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About DirtyLutz

  • Birthday 12/30/1979

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  1. Ok I get it now. I think. Thank you so much. So let's say on an akro corkscrew, the tip of the point at the end of the swirl is NOT the seam? That's the top or bottom? Pontil is bottom? Am I on the right track? You're the best Steph.
  2. Steph, all I kept thinking about the whole time was, "ok Steph says to take a picture of the seam and then the top and bottom."...but then I couldn't figure out where the seam really was so I just shot it from all angles...I know, I'm a mess. If I post all of the angles I took of this marble would you be able to tell me where the seam is? Cuz I want to be able to take them just like you described. Let me know. Thank you so much.
  3. Here is my first attempt at photographing my marbles. My goodness, what a tedious and slightly painful experience it has been! Who would have thunk it? I must REALLY love marbles to struggle as much as I did just for the sake of finding the perfect light to bring out the brilliance of these beauties...(or beauty thus so far as editing goes) LOL. No particular reason why I chose this as my first marble to photograph, it isn't that it's my favorite or that I love the colors, really there was no method to my madness except for that when I was taking pictures of one of my trays of marbles this one kept catching my eye because of its iridescence and sweet little swirl on the top. Tell me what you think... I have a couple other marbles photographed that I will post after I edit/crop them. 1 down...two hundred and something to go. Cheers! Jesse
  4. If it's rust you need to remove then I suggest FOIL and WATER. 1) FOIL (The better the brand the stronger and will last longer) 2) WATER Take a new piece of foil about the size of a small sponge and fold it in half. Dip it in the water and then use the wet foil like a sponge and scrub the rust off in that motion. You should only have to scrub gently if the foil is well saturated. This technique is usually used to remove rust off of chrome but I find it works well on other things. It may or may not work but it won't hurt to try.
  5. Thank you everybody for taking the time to respond! So sweet of you... Steph: I was planning on selling on eBay or etsy :/ Al: I agree! Most marbles need to be seen in person to really appreciate them. I shine lights through them and totally get all marble model photo shoot about it but I could be taking pictures all year at that rate. Lstmmrbls: Thank you so much for the info. I do love Joemarbles You are all too kind Sincerely me
  6. So I have a few hundred marbles. It's my first collection. I started collecting less than 4 months ago. All of my marbles are gorgeous and in mint to near mint condition. I have been on almost every marble website trying to teach myself everything I can to be able to organize them by maker so I can price them accurately to sell (the ones I can bear to part with that is) ... but it's REALLY hard! So I ordered Robert Block's most recent and recommended ID & pricing guide book, and after anxiously awaiting the arrival of the book, I finally received it yesterday and was (hopefully to no offense) completely disappointed. Can someone please guide me in the right direction? I feel like the few websites I've been using to ID my marbles are far more detailed as far as pictures go and when it comes to pricing. . .??? Oh man, don't tell me i have to refer to eBay and rely on the supply and demand method! I know my marbles are very old and in very good condition. I am relying on the sale of these marbles to bring in the profit that they deserve so I just need a little help. Any recommendations? Thank you, Jess
  7. My name is JESSE B. I'm obbssessed with Hot Wheels, Marbles , and the hunt for treasure that I'm convinced I will find one day. 😊 I love nature, physics, music, classic muscle cars, and researching anything jbut itust for the sake of knowing more. Besides collecting marbles my hobbies include : surfing the web, window shopping on eBay, researching collectible items and their values, taking artsy pics with my phone and spending way too much time editing them, watching TV - ie: History channel, Discovery channel, A&E, and Antiques Roadshow, riding bmx bikes, making mixes on my virtual turntables, making my own house music and break beats, eating, trying to be a good person, and anything I can work with my hands like cars, computers, bikes, or even little things, basically anything that can be restored. I'm 35 going on 13 and I believe anything is possible and that we all manifest our own destiny. Did I mention I LOVE MARBLES? :-) I would say Akro, Peltier & Mark Matthews marbles seem to catch my eye the most. I'm really glad I found the Marble Connection.
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