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Everything posted by SirCray

  1. That's weird, I wonder why it showed up in Philippines money(don't know what it's called) when I google searched for it. I mistakenly thought you were in the Philippines when I first saw that.
  2. http://www.ebay.ph/sch/sweetjewel23/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
  3. Those oxbloods on the top are awesome. Love them.
  4. Apparently this was in People magazine, Oct. 11, 1999
  5. Size: 5/8 I was thinking Sammy's Mountain marbles, but that's a complete guess. I really have no idea.
  6. That kid looks a bit off. Picture him with a hammer in his hand
  7. The ebay listing said Jabo Jokers Wild run, though I've never heard of it. I'm no Jabo expert though.
  8. He's still around. If you want to ask him and verify if he made this marble, his Ebay listing says the following:
  9. Could it be Mad Man Marbles? I bought a marble from him long ago and I remember what his listing said: Ebay
  10. Thanks for the comments. I really enjoyed your post, any education is completely welcome as I'm new to any type of real photography. I just got lucky with this one particular marble
  11. Nikon P900, 83x zoom Still trying to get the best out of it, I'm no photographer.
  12. Good idea, done. I'm looking at my indian summer/hillbilly magic marbles and they are looking very springy too.
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