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Everything posted by Hoody

  1. For those of you interested in playing around with physics you might want to have a look at Physics in Advent: http://www.physik-im-advent.de/ A german site but also available in an english version. You do not need to register to just get the questions and thinking it over yourself - at least this was last years status. It's fun to see how physics are around with us every day without getting noticed.
  2. 100% I think I will put it across the door to our dining room.
  3. You are right, I just read your text about focussing properties and did not think about the photos enough. Since your long-exposure and firm mount has the camery in-synch to earth rotation all stars (galaxies and so on) get sweept to parallel lines - or parallel segments of a circle to be more precise. I assume you took the photo far away from northpole so I conclude that this reddish spot is not a star. But I have no idea what it could be beside satellites on geo-stationary orbit (the camera thus should have pointed to the same direction your satellite dish does) or some artefacts of the image sensor chip? For a planet to be 'in-synch' there are way too much of those reddish looking spots around so I want to rule out this theory. BTW: I need to zoom in the picture to notice this mentioned spot at all.
  4. Ever played with "exposure time"? Gives interesting shots at night but you need a stable mount.
  5. No, identical to number 255 Okay, the whole story is: to be or not to be => two 'B' or not two 'B' => 0x2B | ~ 0x2B And for those unaware of progamming languages: the literal "0x" says that the following is a hexadecimal number, not a decimal. "|" is the OR-operator (binary), "~" is the NOT-operator (also binary). The complete construction says to logical OR each bitposition with its inverse resulting in all '1's to be present in the result. Considering 8 bits we and up with 0xFF (255 in usual decimal notation, some calculators tell it -1 which is just a different interpretation). '-1' - just one life to loose when you die creeps in my mind now ... Hope you still enjoy the pun.
  6. Oh, Shakespeare. There is always this question around "[...] to be or not to be [...]". I found an answer some years ago in depths of the web: 0xFF
  7. Reading this thread with great interest I would like to highlight one point (maybe I got it wrong): Trying to get a sphere out of the glob of glass is not quite easy. All the marbles that are around, ancient, vintage and modern, have just been produced as a toy at their time. The better the spehere shape the better the product but for a cheap toy there are some trade-offs and also the not so perfect ones are sold to get revenue. Go, buy a bag of just delivered marbles at the TRU or wherever and check them. None of those is a perfect sphere. And even if so, air enclosure causes imbalance - at the opaque ones this is not visible from outside. So there naturally will be much cause for non-perfect coolling down and a mismatch from the sphere shape. The imbalance, either shape or mass center, you literally can hear at high rolling speeds (approx. 6ft/s and higher for the 5/8") on a metal trackway. An orange peel for my understanding either is an effect that pushes out a very large area of the material only leaving small punctures or the other way round an effect that causes this small craters to get depressed into the material while the most surface area keeps its level. It only can be explained by a voluminous flow of material. The latter idea needs less volume to move and thus less energy to cause this mass movement. I prefer it for this argument - it is typical for physical effects to occur with least possible energy consumption. Some people claim that the cooling process is uniform causing an uniform temperature distribution across the perfect sphere. I just would like to argue that in a pot of boiling water there is movement of water before the steam bubbles get visible. This movement is not uniform. There are certain zones where columns of water exist that bring water down and in the neighbourhood there are columns that bring water up. Those flows just develop on their own, caused simply by the heat, and coexist. There is no mechanical separation necessary. Probably such a behaviour takes place inside the glob of molten glass rolled out to a sphere? Is the molten glass of so low viscosity or do I have to consider it to be of slurry consistence?
  8. Oh yes, a valid point, what we do could be considered "natural", too. We are, of course, a product of a long term evolutionary process. But nothing we produce is as perfect as what natur builds. Just look at the photographs of far away solar systems or galaxies and then look at all the shapes and colours to be found on our own planet.
  9. Nice article. The lady looks much better to me than with todays green. The green colour is due to the copper oxidation, I know. But there was an article also that gathered my attention: https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/favorite-german-words?bsc=engmag-a10-info-germanwords-tb&btp=default&utm_campaign=cd_engall_gen_cde_germanwords&utm_medium=CON&utm_source=taboola Okay, it has some advertising background but is funny to read also. Back to topic: I did not read all the posts but those pictures that I saw lead me to one fact - it is mother nature that gives the most beautiful pictures and constructions. Far better than what man can do ever.
  10. 4:12 is pretty early for me. But here in Germany we are close to this. But there is something I do not really understand: Midwinter (winter solstice) I assume to be 20th or 21st of December. So I expect to get days longer after x-mas. Yesterday we had a so cloudy day, that at around 15:30 darkness falls aceoss the country - the clouds have been so thick. I hope it is getting spring soon.
  11. Fantastic effects and ideas. But somewhat as clearly layed out as a dish of Spaghetti. I think it is necessary to see it real than just as a video clip.
  12. I bet there was more destruction than just the instrument that particular day in Thule.
  13. At Hudson University they will never do any research why Morley cigarettes will not cause lung cancer.
  14. Are those scalings / lists online? Could you probably provide a link?
  15. I noticed this embedding issue after putting the link here. The problem is that it is not my video and I have no idea how to contact Huub for altering the settings. I am sorry for your inconvenience.
  16. Just found another short video clip of the marble run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN5DGxAYMCg
  17. Hi Steph, their site seems to be http://www.glass-sphere.com/en/eshop.html and the 4mm (~ 0.16") ones you find "Colour glass balls and small balls" => "Colour small balls" http://www.glass-sphere.com/en/eshop/barevne-kulicky.html Also there is a 4mm spread hiding here: http://www.glass-sphere.com/en/eshop/kulicky-pro-technicke-a-dekoracni-ucely-10-mm-40-mm.html If you choose the 1mm (~ 1/25") balls you might get the 15,000 into a match box. Check out also their "Glas playing marbles" http://www.glass-sphere.com/en/eshop/sklenene-kulicky-na-hrani What impresses me most is that there are also the precision glas balls available. Even leaded glas with higher density. I think I will try the 16mm (~ 5/8") precision ones to see if my marble run performs better with those. Currently I have always to deal with the inconvenient imperfections of the chinese or mexican toy marbles and to sort out lots of them. Looking through the shop I just noticed a kind of marbles HABA sold with their marble run sets...
  18. Cool stuff. Everything looks so big in comparison to the small marbles.
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