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Everything posted by Hoody

  1. I see, this was not twisty enough for you - although I was more dedicated to "soap" but a shower definitely will work also.
  2. You are great. I enjoy this thread. How you get a cleaner vacuum cleaner we already discussed. But what do you need to become a cleaner vacuum cleaner?
  3. I forgot: Bavarian is NOT German. So do not try to learn German when you are around Munich.
  4. Yes, I agree. So Steph is awarded 1st prize? Oh yeah this Bavarian Löwenbräu. Maybe sometime you want to do your father a favorite and then you might order it by its adjective: "helles" - sounds similar to 'health'. Here in Germany we have some TV spots for another famous Bavarian beer and there they played around with english and german. The english 'to your health' ("Auf Dein Wohl") is misinterpreted to "to your Helles". I bet everyone speaking english at least knows some Bavarian words - but just is not aware of: health => helles [bier] (helles / Hell = bright / bright light) egg => Eck' (Ecke = corner) corner => Koaner (Koaner => Niemand = nobody) I => Ei (Ei = egg) Its due to the phonetic similarity of those english and Bavarian words. I do not want to fool you to much so I also give the exact german spelling and its original translation in the brackets. Hope you enjoy it a little bit.
  5. I would like to say: "Congratulations Steph, you are bi-lingual". But let's wait for kbobam to consider if you really won.
  6. Okay, here is the latest news. The mill got a new entry section. The mounting parts for the tracks are 2.5mm (1/10") lower now. Not much but things work reliably since two weeks. As a consequence the rail (yellow) and the plate guiding the marbles into the wheel got a rework also. This plate needed to get lower a few mm also on the front end. Its back side kept its height. In addition the back side of the housing also got some changes to better help the marbles find their new way into the wheel. Just compare this with the picture above. The outlet at the bottom side got an additional construction (red parts) to send marbles really back to the tub. But this I added a few weeks ago. It has nothing to do with the entry section on top.
  7. Of course, "Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt" is the german title. kbobam figured it out. I wonder about the original english/american title. WARNING: It might be that the original title is NOT the right answer to the fun quiz. 'rock paper scissors' is what we germans call 'Schnick Schnack Schnuck' I can confirm.
  8. And did you recognize who was sitting among the weddings guests? German synchronization of his name was "Schnick Schnack".
  9. Yeah. And what do you get? A cleaner vacuum cleaner.
  10. An "inflatable" terrarium. How ingenious.
  11. At first I really was surprised by the perfect timing and the precision the marbles are thrown out. Then I was reflecting about the technical solution of shooting the marbles so precisely out of the funnels and without a noticable sound. And then ... ... I noticed that this is just an animation. But I really enjoy it unitl the end. Really nice.
  12. Next time I look to wikipedia also. Thanks for your comments. ♪ "Star trecking across the universe fly along with captain Kirk he can't find the earth" ♪ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3k_CgzdR2s
  13. I supposed phantasy words or some phonetical stuff.
  14. - let her rasp her claws with a file!
  15. The moth is more sympathic to me than a spider of this size. I just remember the old "Tarantula" movie.
  16. I am unable to break your code. My dict's are failing and I have no glue clue.
  17. Oh, let us hear. I'll be wondering all night what it might be ...
  18. Great idea! You are right. Just a small latch at one of the leaves and its lockable. Your legend is interesting. But one thing you really can not do with a revolving door: Slamming it
  19. Okay, no cut, no paste, no quoting. How about citing ... => I need to get on the run now, don't I? What do you think about this one: Why do people need to make an appointment before visiting a clairvoyant?
  20. Yes, I am from Germany. But I am not so much interested in collecting old marbles rather let todays mass production run down some tracks. Just give a glance to "Marble Runs & Marble Games". Great idea to put in an english version to your site. There is plenty of information that our international friends hardly can retrieve currently. Hoody
  21. I wish, too - just to see what you are thinking of now. 'The gimp' could be a replacement for photoshop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIMP http://www.gimp.org/ My old version has some issue with its installation but what is running is a great aid and does the job perfectly.
  22. Hopefully people see it on ebay before they bid on the faked antiques. By chance I gave your page a visit some months ago and now I learn you are also active here. Why not adding a link to the marbleconnection on your site?
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