Hi Steph and all you folks,
the location of my marble run normally is my hobby room. It resides on the table while I am tinkering and improving things while I am watching how it works. I put it to the public relatively seldomly so far. Currently I am lacking a concept for its transportation and the machine is far from working as perfect as I want it for the next show.
The interest of the audience is varying. I just put the contruction to 2 events dedicated to fischertechnik (ft) fans. Most of them like to watch the machine running and spend a while until they walk on. Mostly the younger ones: "Mom, Dad, can we stay a little bit longer?". Their reason seems to be the special construction of the tracks that take 5/8 balls and marbles. But there are also older people fascinated by it. I recently receive questions on how the tracks are made - even the Moms are asking while their kids are staring at the marbles rolling.
Asian people are crazy for marble runs, I think. Really no one of those spectators just pass the machines on the shows. They really took lots of time time to take lots of pictures, and then they ask questions like "how many parts", "how much construction effort", "are there building instructions", ...
Somewhere on the web I learned that in some big asian cities there are marble and ball run installations in shopping malls, airports and other public places. I have never seen such a thing in Germany so far.
My experience is that most people on the ft fan events like watching marble runs but are not considering to go beyond what the readily available ft sets provide. My next trial will be next year at the Hannover Maker Faire (Hannover - Germany). I am curious about the reactions there.