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Everything posted by fentonacres

  1. Well... while I may one day "sell off" some marbles, I want it to only be to someone like the folks here who may actually say... "hey, I want that." Otherwise... I will be enjoying looking at them and learning about them. Especially since they are family heirlooms. Just holding them holds history. I know that sounds corny but I am a woman.
  2. Other views: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-VGTwG97 http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-FKQKZKj
  3. Other views: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-pv9xKwh http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-PhwdPbW
  4. Here are the others I have... there is also one LOVELY golden one with flecks but I have to get a better shot of it (I must've hiccup'd). http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-7mrfgpH http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-QLR7F9d http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-khwG462 http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-hRHjzKW
  5. Not opaque... so thanks! I just learned something!
  6. Other views: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-sznRFp4 http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-7Gp9VXd
  7. No clue how to describe this one. The photos do actually represent it well... the light bit of swirl is sort of opalescent.
  8. Other views: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-bHD8sRK http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-ZdRSvGc
  9. I think I have a couple of ones similar to this...
  10. Other views: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-3mHXmRW http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-3z8fn35
  11. While I have several of this type, I am sad because they are not in great shape. Still pretty, but well used.
  12. View of the white and green... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-tQSqTCr
  13. View of the white with green and black (and tannish)... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-GP6QSj7
  14. View of the "seafoam" green... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-fLB44xv
  15. View of the dark green: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-TWkg5xm
  16. Yes, Steve. I am having a blast. There are quite a few fun things in my great-grand thru father's history... from marbles to arrowheads... and I have a whole collection of letters and other material from the time my father was a P.O.W. in Germany in WWII. I have traced my father's lineage back... I have a lovely collection of arrowheads and now I can spend many many many hours learning about marbles and sharing with you all here.
  17. I will break these down for viewing later as there are at least two of each. (The left one, and the third from left I have several.) They are larger than normal (and I have a whole 'nuther set of grey-ish blue ones the same size.) The one on the right I find especially pretty.
  18. No worries. I am a professional (dog, horse, stuff) photographer... and I use a macro lens (f2.8... SHORT depth of field). As time goes on I will probably focus on 1-4 marbles at a time, but with multiple shots per marble(s). I am only getting a "feel" for what I have and am working on my "studio." Thanks for the advice. Hey... joining any new message group is a bit like being fed to wolves. I can handle it.
  19. My grandfather, and great-grandfather for that matter, lived in St Marys, WV. Pretty much all their lives. They come from a long line of Williams and such. As a sidebar, my great-grandfather had a photography studio on a riverboat - but eventually parked it in St Marys on the Ohio. My father lived in St. Marys all his life until he went to WVU and then off to WWII. Since these marbles came from my grandparent's home in St Marys, I am pretty sure most were collected prior to my father's adulthood (born in 1917, off to college in the 1930s).
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