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Everything posted by fentonacres

  1. Ah... "carnelian." I used to have some carnelian victorian jewelry.
  2. I think everyone is just stumped... you are right about the left one being different. But we are stumped on the other black and orange ones.
  3. ... as I will be bugging you all for many years to come... LOL...
  4. Thanks! They all have some aventurine and I think most are either silver or gold... I will have to get out my lupe to really examine it! LOL. Cool stuff!
  5. Other views... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-FVs2tFp http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-RjpK8tf
  6. I was going to take a stab at this... but I am not there yet. I can't even find these colors online in images...
  7. http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-DwxFw5h
  8. http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-MP97F46
  9. The black-brown has a bit of metallic fleck... there are 8 total. Pics show one side of each 4.
  10. Other views... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-Bv7x6dC http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-GntMGqW http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-zwz2Bzh
  11. I apologize for my simplistic descriptions of these... but I am COMPLETELY new to marbles. Since they are all family heirlooms, once I get a feel for some of what I have I can start guessing on the rest... Here is another favorite... deep and rich.
  12. Other views... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-3GBwg6L http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-hpPsS2x
  13. Not sure how to describe this one... there is a hint of agate or opalescence... the image describes it best I suppose.
  14. other views... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-MLh3Sb5 http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-jPgbtq8
  15. Other views: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-pktzHFN http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-Gp6Brrd http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-X956bct http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-5SKqPJv
  16. I believe this is the only one I have like this... there is so much going on I could look at it all day...
  17. Don't know... I guess I will go get a black light today (along with another specialty bulb I need... LOL).
  18. I call these lemon lime because they aren't really yellow, not really lime. They make me thirsty. I am starting to feel like I need to do a total re-do of marble organization!!
  19. Additional views of the other "oddball" at the lower left. When I originally sorted these marbles I merely went by general color/style. NOW that I am delving deeper, I am starting to see the differences. Not only this THIS one more "colorful" than the others, it is "used" and duller. http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-34bvcwR http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-rKg4XCj http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-S4hXrF3
  20. Here are additional views of the larger one... http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-5mWRSwF http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-p8f4bT8 http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-8kdfzQ2 http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-tnjWn8p
  21. the large one in the back fascinates me because it must've been used a lot or??? It is dull and chipped. For some reason I kept it with the others I call "amethyst" and not in my "sad and broken bag." The sad and broken is a relatively small bag considering this entire collection was kept in a metal box for... a very long time and even traveled from West Virginia to SoCal at one point.
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