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Everything posted by Soup

  1. Does anyone here like paleontology?
  2. Been a while since I last visited. How is everyone doing?
  3. Hope you all have the worst Christmas ever!!!
  4. Soup

    Vintage TV

    90s commercials is mah jam.
  5. Soup

    Moving ....

    ELEVEN. YEAR OLD COMPUTER ELEVEN YEARS OLD. ... You're joking right?
  6. five syllables for first, then seven for next one and then five again
  7. Every 5 years, all of the atoms in your body are replaced with new ones.
  8. Soup

    Horror Story

    Too much noodles for my soup. And when I added more soup, there was too much soup for noodles.
  9. Soup

    Horror Story

    I woke up one day. I started changing but couldn't find my left sock. Then when I got to school I remembered I forgot my homework. When I stepped outside the classroom, it was a bit chilly. As I was walking home, I saw a spider. My pencil broke while I was doing hw. Then during dinner, I realized there was no more apple juice in the house. When I went to brush my teeth, the toothpaste had been moved. I think, I'm not sure. It was a very scary horror experience. What are your horror stories?
  10. I was eating a steak and eggs sandwich.
  11. Going to make some art soon. Also, feel free to post art that isn't yours, just make sure to give credit.
  12. This is one of my favorite YT vids. Contains some language and gore but for the most part okay. It's really funny, please watch!
  13. Man look at that asparagus! So hot.
  14. Cool, can you show us your work?
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