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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. Thanks everyone🔥 RAR
  2. Those are 🚀🔥 RAR
  3. I'd stick with Master or Akro. I don't think this Foreign🔥 RAR
  4. Looks like the old school candy called a Jaw Breaker. I licked it and it's not🔥 RAR
  5. It’s lighter then a 1 inch Bennington. Any ideas on what this might be🔥 RAR
  6. Tweet. Any ideas 🔥
  7. Fire1981

    3/4 WVS

    Any ideas on this one🔥 RAR
  8. Fire1981

    5/8 WVS

    Any ideas on this one🔥 RAR
  9. Fire1981

    1/2 WVS

    Any ideas on this one🔥 RAR
  10. Fire1981

    HOT !!!

    I never know here. 70’s one day. 30’s the next day.
  11. Fire1981

    HOT !!!

    Here’s a tough one. Let’s go carp fishing in the Midwest in August. Ya know. 98 degrees out. 99.9% humidity and no breeze. 🔥 RAR
  12. Fire1981

    HOT !!!

    Oh Yeah ! Chad. You poor thing. You have to try to figure out where to go fishing when it’s hot out. If it’s that bad. Find a shady place to fish. I agree with Ric. Post up in a lawn chair on the Columbia River.
  13. Fire1981

    HOT !!!

    We’re at 150% plus snow pack here in the Rockies. I’ve had 5 days of rain. That doesn’t happen here. Floods are coming🔥 RAR
  14. That works for me. Thanks you guys🔥 RAR
  15. It has a pretty uniformed “helmet “pattern of a Vitro 🍿🍿🍿🍿🔥
  16. I’m thinking Akro but also considering Vitro. The color combo is what jumped out at me. Any ideas on this one🔥 RAR
  17. I’m really lucky I can call my Mom and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. If anyone asks if I’m a Momma’s Boy? The immediate answer is yes. This is one of many interests she knew I would soak up and run with ❤️ RAR
  18. Thanks you Guys🔥 RAR
  19. Thanks you Guys 🔥 RAR
  20. Thanks Guys🔥
  21. Fire1981


    I agree ! Thanks everyone 🔥 RAR
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