I don’t think it’s a Sunset. Those ribbons run parallel to each other with no separation. And as you said a transparent red base glass. Maybe these are a type of Sunset.
Man….this one is challenging. The first pic I has one seam which kinda looks like a Pelt Superman/Superboy. But the next 2 pics look like WVS. I’ll kick the can and say Jabo.
Handmade Mica not sure about the Blizzard ID but I think you’re right. Snow Globe is a Pelt. So I think I’m pretty lucky to have a few hand mades with mica. Mica and AV kind of run parallel when I look at a trait like that🔥
The pen is cool and mystery coins/trinkets. Art ! What else did you see in the jar. What’s the shiny thing at the bottom of the jar in pic 1 with what looks like a little it has a little lever 🔥