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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. Fire1981


    Thanks Ric ! 🚀
  2. Fire1981


    Last pic shows just a wisp of AV in the blue ribbon.
  3. I took a chance on EBay 12ish years ago and won all the Akros I’ve posted and more. Really crappy pictures but it worked out. $10 and one of my all time favorite scores.
  4. Thanks you guys. Are they HTF ?
  5. I got these in 1972. Orange mesh bag with a green header. I was a kid so the bag is gone. Any ideas ?
  6. 9/16th with a lot of kiln brick on the surface
  7. Happy Birthday Al ! Have fun at the DMV getting your drivers license today 😂
  8. Does it have one or two seams ?
  9. Is the base glass orange/peach or amber?
  10. Fire1981


    First one might be a CAC Snotty. Maybe
  11. Fire1981


    This one is 3/4. Champion?
  12. Thanks everyone! I just wish I could find it.
  13. Fire1981


    Slept through you’re alarm again huh ?
  14. Fire1981


    Sorry Steph….It’s 2024
  15. Fire1981

    Akro ?

    I kinda knew it was a reach on the Indian Blanket. I look at some of the Akros and ask myself what kind of corkscrew it would be ! Kinda like the Pop Eye Patches.
  16. My New Old Fashion. Probably the same run.
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