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Everything posted by oldmarblenut

  1. I use a typical respirator with HEPA filter or better, even though the grinding and polishing is in a wet environment there are still chances of airborn particles, also rubber gloves to protect the skin, they can be the old diswashing type for comfort and control, also wear a smock or bib to protect clothing, you dont want any contaminants in your home. I even wear rubber boots that stay in the cold work shop LOL. Any dry buffing with a dremmel is not safe in MHO If you want a marble polished, send it to a "professional" they are getting paid to take the risks.
  2. most glass colors contain LEAD, not very freindly to the human body. I wont mention arsenic or other toxic metals. glass formulas are full of many hazardous materials, glass itself is basicaly harmless until you return it to powders, then it becomes very very dangerous, imagine what is going on while polishing, you arent removing solid chunks. I dont think I need to mention the hazards of polishing compounds at this point, the glass itself is enough. I work glass for a living, call it inside information if you will, I never polish or grind without a respirator and protective clothing, find the MSDS for the compounds, it may convince you to do the same.
  3. Hey Bo, I've sent e-mails and no reply... what gives? Thanks Bo, got it, maybe I should check my emails more often LOL
  4. I found marbles in scuba tanks, not sure of their purpose there, either balast or condenser?
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