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Everything posted by oldmarblenut

  1. I once had a bagatelle marble game that had horseshoes on it, not shure if the game itself was called horseshoe?
  2. I like the idea of using something water based! Thanks Hansel & Mike!
  3. I always considered it was first off cane. As a marble maker myself I always closed the cane when starting. There is one possibility... it was a segment of pre made cane, re-heated and tooled round? the core colors touch the surface supporting the theory. Previously I said the "pontils" were intact, it actually only bears one pontil opposite the open end.
  4. Here is a strange marble I have had for many years, I almost sent it to Leroy when he was polishing but I just couldn't do it, I was afraid to alter it from original condition so it would not be called a fake. It's the worse marble in my collection condition wise, I wonder what everyone thinks about polishing it? The original pontils are still present even though it is beat to death, what would you do? A. Keep it as is to retain originality? B. polish it to enjoy it so it doesn't look so bad?
  5. I wonder if they were actually Vitro horseshoe marbles in that box?
  6. Hope the info was helpful, my old PC had a great photo library with chunks of cullet from every factory, shame it was destroyed and the library lost forever, I had some great pieces of oxblood cullet that showed the variations in detail. My thoughts on Akro swirls.... when the spinner cup was not rotating, did they toss all the marbles made?
  7. Looks like a nice egg yolk oxblood swirl. Oxblood is opaque with color variations from light to dark, sometimes the dark streaks look black. As far as transparent red turning to oxblood I would say no, a bad batch of red can become opaque but will not mimic oxblood, Akro Flinties are close to what a bad batch of red looks like, kind of a milky opaque rusty color but not solid opaque with streaks of color variation. JMHO
  8. Nice pictures Bernie, can you tell me more about the red indian? was it polished? I don't see any bubbles or flaws, does it have a signature? I made a couple cranberry Indians in 2006 with a single group of colors, they were both about 1.5 inch with a tight twisted pontil on top and slightly open pontil on bottom where the signature was in the center. I wish I had pictures of the pair for comparison. Can you post pictures of the pontils?
  9. Seedy glass..... I stopped counting at 1125 LOL You should not post a picture and ask questions if you are going to jump on everyone who does not agree with your opinion. Why ask if you already made your mind up? Maybe it is made of plastic by that one armed one eyed German from Italy with dyslexia? FYI, I am far from a beginner when it comes to old handmade marbles. A cold roll line is caused by the hot glass bunching up and folding a crease on the surface, sometimes called a marver lap, the mark your marble has is clearly a semicircle with a fairly clean line and not a fold, hence my opinion of hang up in the mold. As for the pontil on the blue/white lutz, it was freshly made with no finger oils rubbed into it, a little time in the hand and they looked much more "old" We all make mistakes, part of being human, however.....in my group of new marbles do you notice the Josephs coats with lutz? I saw one of them sold on ebay as a genuine vintage rare Joseph coat with lutz, it sold for $375 with 34 bids in 2009, I emailed the seller and asked to see the pontil mark, my signature was polished off leaving just a hint of the faceted pontil, I informed them that I made the marble and showed them a photo of it's twins, no mistake as you could easily count and match the colors and note the lutz placement, they told me to back off and mind my own as they said they found it in a jar full of handmade marbles they purchased from Germany. I made those all around 2005 to 2007 and sold them for $10 each. Since seeing that auction I have not used that marble tool again. I wonder where my tangerine orange mica's ended up? It's your marble, call it what you like but remember, when somebody says they don't think it's old, don't jump on them for having an opinion. No harm no foul.
  10. "almost no bubbles at all" In your first group of photos I see at least 10 bubbles in at least 3 photos, almost none? most are trapped under the canes. what you see as a cold roll line is not a cold roll, it is a hang up from the marble mold used, most likely the cause of the semi reversing twist on the one pontil, yes new marble makers have all experienced this problem at some point. I've found many "new" marbles in jars of old so going that route is not always safe, check the other post about the "marble for Hansel or any other astute collector" it is probably not old yet was found in a jar of old marbles. JMHO means just that, it's only my opinion, not the law of marbledom, sorry if you disagree but we all don't see the same thing. I wish a few other marble makers would chime in with their observations.
  11. These are single faceted pontil marbles I made using a vintage German marble tool, I made a couple hundred in groups of 3-4 marbles per cane, I wish I had more photo's of them as some did look quite "old" I did sign them all.....
  12. Photo #4 shows a spot where the freshly glazed ball sat, like the eyes or dots on benningtons Maybe a DNA test on the hairs in the glaze might help?
  13. Looks like a red felt tip pen then glazed with polyurethane People have sure become crafty knowing marbles can bring good $ especially when they are hard to ID. I've seen the civil war star marbles glazed with polyurethane in an attempt to make them look "older" Also seen old golf ball cores decorated and glazed and called gutta percha marbles
  14. Looks new to me, most clear glass made prior to 1936 will have a very light glow under UV, manganese was removed from clear glass production in 1936, not all manufacturers used it, also the pontils are too fine, typical faceted pontils are a tad rougher and done with a rotation, not flat and strait, this looks to be ground on a 600 of finer diamond wheel, also, the slightly reversing twist on the one pontil makes me think contemporary as well as the many trapped bubbles under the cane, typical mistakes made by new glassworkers. JMHO
  15. LOL hey Mike, yes we did, actually... you sparked my interest and I had to come see how everyone is. Good to see you and all the rest!
  16. Hey T, good to see you!! These are the last marbles I made, a couple using my vintage German marble tool, they have a single ground pontil. LOL crappy pic.
  17. A couple pictures of recent works, the black vase is from my "silver lining" series, the blue vase is named "3 gulls"
  18. Yo Scott, hows life been?? hope you are well and good!!!! here is a milefiori PW I just made.
  19. Good to see so many of you still kicking! SP... great new stuff! Good to see the same old Clyde. I might be relocating my glass studio, still not sure but something is in the works. We still have property in WV, I haven't been to it in about a year. planning a trip in the spring when mushrooms are popping, might have time to visit a few old friends when there. Sad to read Randy Gossett passed away, way back when... we were good buds and shared some great times, I have a photo of Randy, Paula and I at Wheaton, I had both of them on my lap LOL... what a great show that used to be. A couple years ago, Dean Six walks into my glass shop and is eyeballing my marble case, I finished a vase and walked over and shook his hand, he almost passed out, he said..."I thought you were dead!" LOL, he had no idea he was in my gallery. Fact is, I am still kicking and doing fine! not so much into marbles anymore but still have quite a bit and occasionally find a few. Peace!
  20. Everything is close to the coast around here. bring your gear, we'll go get some dinner. I'm planning the BBQ again as well so maybe you could have your own grill for special fish fry??
  21. Hello all, it has been quite some time since I visited the boards, sad to see so many old friends now playing ringer in peace. I have been busy with my own shop, making glass and chasing my dreams, so far things are going well. I am starting a local marbles tournament and plan to start a new marble show for June 2012, the same week as the nationals tournament! Anyone interested in a late June show please contact me, I have many locations to choose from as well as support from our city council. If all goes well it could be another great show like the old "marble weekend" at Wheaton Village. [email protected]
  22. hey griff, my boat is ready, been cathcing them well lately happy b-day old man come on down, we'll go out in the bay and catch a few keepers.
  23. Late June! Will post more info as the dust settles... Private BBQ, 50 seats! just like the old days.
  24. No, it's not about "Edna" she happened to be the one who tryed to group everyones opinions together saying "it's all our opinions", the subject was.... IMHO, no IOHO. Individual opinions, not groups. Why can't people stick to the point? Why does every comment lead to chaos? Pick a road and stick to it, life is alot easyer. Lets hear more about these exotics, fakes?? sounds like a better thread to start, actualy meaningful subject matter.
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