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Everything posted by oldmarblenut
Nice thread, IMHO it's just that, my humble opinion, not your's or theirs or his or hers, it is strange how some people will shove IMHO down your throat and insist you agree with their HO. Edna is way off track stating "it's all of our opinions" ???? NO, when someone says IMHO, take it for what it is, don't knock them, don't mock them, don't make them look stupid and most of all, don't make their IMHO a problem. We are all human and have subtle to extreme differences, one for certain is, we all have our own opinions and our own asses, we should be careful where we speek from. Most of the people I have met through marble collecting are wonderful and interesting people with great attitudes, willing to share knowledge, willing to listen, willing to give without expectations and willing to enjoy a good conversation without bashing heads. What happened? JMHO
Not a bad idea Greg, then again, somebody wouldn't like it and they would go call the "authoroties" and cry a little and somebody else would probably get confused about what Scott is at play here. I'm finished with my experiments for now, the Alpha/Omega marbles are enough to keep me happy for a while. I purchased the other parties share so I now have a gazzillion marbles to play with, I'm thinking of some marble tournaments for adults, what do you think?
Mr. Sturtz it would be of your best interest to not call the village and to go no deeper into you allegations. what happened is old history, I took the brunt of the paddle long ago for rebuilding the machine and making a handful of marbles on it, since then it hasn't happend again and you contacting the village and re-opening a can of worms is gonna be a mess. certainly not for you so do me a favor and mind your own business. You keep refering to "experimental" as being Daves name for a body of work, fine, yes he can name it anything, as an artist I am always experimenting and certainly know the next guy is also experimenting, fact is, the marbles I made back then was an experiment on how CA made Guineas etc. then the handgathering of art glass scrap color was also an experiment, nobody knew if it would work. I did it openly and in the public, I would think that I were up to a crime I would have been a little smarter? I took and awkward stance when you asked Brian the question, why the hell would you ask him? Knowing your history I figured you would poke your nose into an old issue and make it stink again. Excuse me for being defensive. I would think a smart guy like you who reads above level would know better. This whole thing started with the love of marbles and sharing a dream, instead, you accuse me of some sort of dishonest behavior and wanna call the big people into it, leave it alone.
So I guess the people who told me what you said are liars too?It's like this Edna, you came to me at Sisterville and told me I was wrong for doing what I did to him, yes I went off because I did nothing wrong, you told me I could go get my stuff after I paid him what I owed him! LOL, I don't owe him anything, again, I went off until you walked away.Funny how you left out a few sentences, I remember them as if it was yesterday! Months after, I got word of you telling a few people, but then again, they are just liars. Over at that other board I couldn't help but comment after seeing my tools in your photos, tools that weren't there according to your friend, yes I went off.I'm done with it Sissy, I took a bashing and lost face, now you and MR.Sturtz have to go pick another bone, one that neither of you have any first hand knowledge of.
Mr. psia... here are the facts, you can like them or lump them, this is the facts. winter 2002 I restored the marble machine, it was not in working order, it was rusted solid and many parts were missing, absolutely not working order. I did a little more than paint and polish. The donation paperwork hold NO RESTRICTIONS! I know because I read it. there was however an "agreement" made by one of the village volunteers to Mrs. Argabrite, that was verbal and never documented and that volunteer did not tell anyone else about the "verbal agreement", it wasn't until I called Jabo for a cutting blade that Mrs. Argabrite spoke of the "agreement" and again I will say, it was never documented nor told to any of us at the village, the papers are clean, if we chose to put the machine to full use we could have as the paperwork has NO RESTRICTIONS, we broke no rules! it was donated and Jabo got the tax credit for the estimated value. In 2002 I made my experiments and again at the show in 2003 we handgathered about 100-150 marbles for special demo, since then, nothing has happened with the machine. Yes time flies and memories fade, if you look back I already corrected myself on the 10 year issue. Now looking at all the physical evidence, nobody made an "experimental run" prior to 2002, I know Dave did a couple "custom" or "different style" runs over the years, but never were any called "experimental" the closest to any being called "experimental" is when Vitro tryed to put sulphides in marbles, other than that, no mentions of "experimental runs". I'm not here to argue, I don't know you or where you come off acting like you need to know the facts, these are the facts, deal with it. Yes Akro, this thread went to shit in a handbasket, some people just have to throw shit in somebody's fan to make themselves happy, I am proud to have done my experiments back in 2002, I am proud of the marbles I made in 2002 and in 2009, sure I would like to say, yea, I'm the one who did it first, all I know is I did it in 2002 and prior to that there were no runs of this type ever done, end of story. Sissy, you need not even mention my name, the things you did to me were unfair and done on false information, you should have checked the facts before you went off spouting the crap you did to so many people, at Sistersville when you publicly humiliated me with the lies you friend gave you had a vast impact on my life, the respect I once had as a marble community member was destroyed by those lies, the few people who really know me and who I am didn't want to believe them, but as we all know, if it stinks stay away from it, thanks Sissy, you did me well. I made a few appologies to you for my foul language and my bad attitude, I even tryed to explain to you the circumstances even though they were none of your business, you on the other hand never appologized for what you did. It's shit like this that has ruined the marble community, greed, jealousy or whatever you wanna call it has changed the game. Yes Sissy, I did it and I am very proud of it, you best mind you own business, I am sick of you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, you've done enough damage. Now, since ya'll have taken the wind out of my sails and tyred to make me look like an ass again, I say goodbye, enjoy your lives. Lou, Sue and everyone else, I appologize for my anger and poor use of words, don't worry, I'm gone! Peace? my ass...............
Yes Brian, if you have pix of the machine etc. it would all be from that year and yes the handgathered marbles came from that time frame. Yes psia, Wheaton was donated a Vitro machine many years ago, it was restored and put on display in the museum, nobody has used it since the marble show demo, they have no intention of using it for any reasons, I am fully aware of the donation paperwork and the restrictions it holds.
the winter of 2002 i believe, the show was the following june 2003 my bad, 8 years LOL as i said, we're only human
The machine was a 3/4" maker, it was fully operational and adjustable except for the cutting blade, it sits in the museum of American glass at Wheaton village with a plaque that tells the story of it's history, I have not made a marble on it since that one fine day in June many years ago.
Thanks Brian, it's not easy to offend me so no worries, I am a people person so I have much compasion and understanding for our faults, I'm far from perfect but I have never crossed the lines of theivery or deception as a few had tryed to accuse me of, the poeple who know ME know that I hold nothing but a belly full of laughter and a heart of gold, sure there is some resentment for the things people have done to me that have cause great troubles, but I don't let them control my life, I live happy doing as I please and I will continue to forgive the ones who make mistakes, we are only human. Peace!
ok, it's Sunday morning July 5th. 7 offers on the box came in, thanks to all who took the effort! To my surprize, not one of the previous Jabo Junikies (no offense intended) made an offer on this fine box of approx. 2000 super marbles, marbles made the way I wanted to do it a decade ago, marbles that to me have more historic value than any other marble I've ever held in my hands, marbles like "Lemonade Oxbloods" and "Bueberry Oxbloods", marbles with mica, aventurine and gold lutz floating at random in a very vintage style matrix, marbles that look like old WV swirls with a bonus of sparkles inside for the kid in us to discover. Sad to think the Jabo investors/makers have no respect for these marbles, what could be the problem here? Did I expose a bad trait in someone? Did I upset someone by posting the COE and glass compatability issues? I hope you all understand I posted that info by request of Lou, he and a few others contacted me when the Aces started popping, feeling the information and advice may actually help somebody I posted all I could to help you all understand what was going wrong and the real ramifications of a bad product hitting the market. I did my civil duty, trying to help only to be kicked and abused by a bunch of crybabys (again, not ALL of the makers) just the few who knew they were the ones who made the mistakes. So.... in the end I am the happy dog, I have placed so many smiles on the faces of people, I made a wonderful run of marbles that can't be duplicated, and nobody knows my formula for lemonade. Check you message boxes, one of you is going to be very happy and I do want a picture of that smile when you open the box! Peace! Scott Meyer aka... oldmarblenut
WOW 7 colors.... at least, not to mention the lime green aventurine! Thanks Bocci, almost looks like fireworks, Thanks Bill for enjoying these Sguineas, how many do you have? I can't place a date but I can remember my experiments trying to figure out how CA made Guineas/Cobras etc. one thing that allways made me think hand gathered was the fact that many had a single cut line, and not from a fold over, it was purely a single cut meaning that somehow somebody snipped the first gob off of the stream of glass OR they hand gathered them, making about 5-10 marbles per gather, first one being a single cut of course and the rest becoming more streched as they go, looking at a group of Guineas you can see the variations from one cut to swirly Guinea, my tests gave the same results, the technique used to make the Tank wash Guineas gets the colors on the surface but they don't get melted in as well as the originals and.... they will never exhibit a single cut nor do they allow the colors to strech out , this is my staging for a Guinea gather, single cut, spotty Guineas then more streched colors as the small gather was used up. Still their actual technique is a mystery, nobody knows how they made them as none of this information is available, after all the Sguineas I made, I was left with handgathered as the only real possibility as the cut lines and color patterns I acheived were identical to the originals, shame this technique was never verified by CA records, however, my tests of handgathering proved succesful. Nice job guys, brings back memories!!! Bill, if you come to Wheaton next year can you bring the group? Peace!
Thanks Brian, Thank Mig, brings back memories, I had lots of pix as I did the restoration, you can see some of the hardware I had to rebuild, all those pix are on 3-1/2" floppys somewhere LOL, can you get them easily converted, I have thousands of floppys with pix I saved over the years, pretty much every marble I've ever owned, someday I'd like to convert them but I'm not computer savy enough to know what I need. That blown ox is one of 6 I did back then, I rember it being not very user freindly and at the time some of those chunks cost $80-$100, I did sell a few, hope they are still alive, again I think Clyde has one of them, I broke my keeper LOL When I get home I'll photo the Sguinea, it's the last peice I have from those days. Happy 4th. !
yep BJ, that was a decade ago, handgathered onto the Vitro machine. hmmmm.................. does that make them the first experimental run?? I would think yes, but then again, why take away from what somebody else has already laid claim to......LOL Peace!
Thanks to Bill Tow here is a pick of one of the Sguineas... http://christensenagate.com/images/squinea02k.jpg when I get home tomorow I'll post a pick of the one I kept. Thanks Bill!! Peace!
Yes B, you have a piece of history and I guess a COA could be appropriate, I just need a date LOL, I have no clue the date it was done, I think Scoop might hold that info, maybe she'll chime in and let us know LOL. You are quite welcome, you know I love to share and to me, giving is what more people need to start doing, in this screwed up world there is too much...."it's all about me" How about a pic of the marble and the blown ox?? PS.. I aint the man, just a man with a passion.
Hey Brian, actualy you have 1 of 10, none of them were ever sold through block unless he bought a couple in the auction, I used a piece of silver oxblood to make the 10, I kept 5 and donated the rest to the auction at the show, you have one, Clyde Tuller has two, I don't remember what happened to the other two, maybe traded off, I don't remember selling them. All I have left from that day is my Guinea/Cyclone/Cobra/Turkey I made trying to figure out how CA made them, Bill Tow named it a "Sguinea" (skinny) LOL, he made a heck of an offer for it but I refused to part with it, now that I am opening a studio I might consider letting it go, dang glass equip. is not getting cheaper, I placed an order for a furnace, 2 large kilns, a glory and a 18" diamond grinder. POOF.......... said the grant LOL I'm thinking of starting a charity, the "be kind to scott" charity, send as many $100 bills as possible, LOL JK, I'm doing fine. Peace! Scott
Thanks BJ, I restored that machine all the way up to the cutting blade, green and yellow paint to match the original colors, we ended up hand gathering mibs on it at the one show way back when, there were some photos, not sure if anyone has any at this point, its been a long time.
Happy 4th. to all, esp. our servicemembers who have put their lives in the hands of a few. Last day to place an offer on the 25 pounder of select marbles. Ya'll be safe and save a finger or two today, then again, a few beers and whats a finger anyway. LOL Peace! Griff....... I'm easy to find, a quick email will work.
Tomorow I'll post the marbles I made while Akro and his son were in the shop, red/white/blue peppermint single pontil handmades.
Gotta Say Thanks To Someone.............
oldmarblenut replied to Akro gatherer's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
Was nice to have you in the studio, your son seemed to enjoy the visit, the door is open till 3:30 everyday so feel free to stop by anytime. Your quite welcome for the marbles, as I said, a smile is payment well enough. Peace! -
Knowing Ray was home from Iraq I had to invite him to come play, Thanks Ray! I didn't tell anyone about the run until after it happened, it was a nice surprize to see Duffy pop in, I hope he got enough goodies, I feel lucky to finaly get the chance to do a custom run the way I wanted to do it a decade ago, they turned out great and I couldn't be happyer sharing the day with a good buddy making marbles without a bunch of mayhem going on, we were plenty busy, shame there wasn't an outside shower LOL, this run wasn't about money, it was about making marbles, alot of thought went into the process, I've been into marbles longer than most people know and being into glass as well has deepened my passion for "How did they do it", rebuilding the 1934 Vitro machine fueled that passion and I think we did a fine job making some sweet vintage style marbles, shame it took 10 years to get it done LOL, I thank Dave for the oportunity he provided and I wish him the best in his future, whatever that may hold. Yes Griff, I was thinking about you when used the mica, it's not thick or overpowering, it's just there... LOL come get some! Godspeed to Ray on a safe journey, he is my best friend and I hope he liked the surprize, it was definately history for us. The offers on the box are a bargain, somebody is gonna be real happy, (do most people know how many marbles are in a 25 lb. box?) LOL and of course a few wont be so happy cause they lost out, only a few days left, Sunday morning I send an email to the high offer, nobody will know who got them other than me and the buyer, they can do as they please with the marbles, get rich, make kids smile, use them for slingshot fodder. I hope they enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them. As Griff said about the rumors, knowbody really knows, only the owners of Jabo can answer so we shouldn't add to the speculation. Peace!
Thanks! we used our cullet from the studio I've been saving for about 4 years, it was basicaly clear based with just about every color etc. we have used in the last 4 years, melted together it made a light green transparent base with aventurine, mica and lutz floating at random, we used a few other ingredients to change the base as we went through the run, I have always loved the lemonade oxbloods so I waited till the colors were flowing right then I added the oxblood and burmese (with a secret ingredient). my guess is about 1000 of the lemon/ox's, then I went to blueberry lemonades and on and on. sizes for the run are mostly in the 9/19" range, many many 1/2 or less peewee's too, I like the smaller ones as they seem to be a cleaner marble with less problems. As a run is going you can change the base color or blend something into the base, it's an interesting process, one that I have been dreaming about for about 10 years, the idea of running art glass cullet through the machine was my plan way back when I rebuilt the 1934 Vitro machine a decade ago, funny how things worked out, I got the last custom run (as far as Dave tells me) LOL, Jabo is closed as of yesterday, will they re-open? I don't know, the sale could go through in the next few weeks? it's all up in the air now, Bocci says "closed for the summer" so we'll see, all I know is, I got the last run in before the doors closed for any particular reason. As for a name for the run..... thats just too hard to decide at this point, I do like Duffy's "born on" and I've allways wanted to call them "Killer Kullet". I used a few different colors in the base, there is Fenton French opal, Fenton Lime opal and the Fenton Burmese, also some transparent red base as well as some blue base was used, I havent sorted them out yet but I have seen about 20 variations so far, I also made some ruby mica rods that we added through one of the feeders. I am letting a freind sell some on Ebay (rubyswirls) so go check her stuff. I also plan on selling one hand picked box, yes a 25lb. box of hand picked marbles, no junk, no fractured marbles, I have a couple offers already and will accept offers until July 4th. on July 5th. I will sell to the high offer, it will be closed bid so nobody will know the other offers. you can make an offer via. e-mail or the messenger here. my e-mail as [email protected]
lemonade ox on transparent green base with floating mica and aventurine. Ray made some guneas on blue base. the grouping, my favs of the run, many many other swirls, trans red bases etc.
Nice looking marbles Duffy ! Wait till you should see what came out in the 12 hours after them ones....... Can you say........................... Lemonade Oxblood peewee ?