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  1. Wow Steph those are beautiful, they are probably the most beautiful marbles I have ever seen.😏
  2. Wow I have no idea why my picture is that big. Sorry
  3. This is a giant piece of furnace brick in one of my 1” Master shooters.
  4. You wouldn’t be talking about me would you?😏
  5. Master! Oooo I love that! If you ever think of letting it go , please let me know. Thanks
  6. Here’s one of my favorite shots. These are called Tributes. They are my own design and are around 9/16”.
  7. LindPW

    Id help.

    I’d go with Asian. The surface looks like orange peel.
  8. I will be sure to tell him! The amber “slag” is my favorite out of this group. I think I see more colored transparent bases in the future.
  9. New marbles!!! Now this first one, I can’t take credit for. My very talented father spun this beauty. Just under 15/16” Eventually I’ll get to that level(I hope) But until then here are a few of my newest mibs.
  10. Any thoughts? Champion maybe?
  11. Thank you! I’ve had that marble for a while and never really knew where it fit in.
  12. I was thinking a Christensen striped opaque. But I didn’t want to be that bold.😂😂 Mk never would have crossed my mind.
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