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Everything posted by scooby

  1. wow.. somebody had a lot of time on there hands.
  2. looks alot like this and would be called a rainbo sunset according to marble collecting.com.but this is a vitro thread and i dont want to high jack it, anyway my post could get bumped to ID
  3. transparent blue base steph,and that was my argument over at yadda yadda...lol
  4. i was told it was a tiger eye well i was told it was a tiger eye when i had it identified...something bugs me about that but anywho..
  5. mib is 5/8. i google and google and can't find anything purple lavender etc....had to use a flash light to bring in more light for the 2 tone lavender? not sure if it is called purple..lol..who knows the light purple color lets light through.. cant get a pic of the transparency.
  6. awsome..thanks Dan,and thanks steph for not giving up on me..
  7. nice!.. i love the colors on that one
  8. Wow those are nice..I'm gonna have to try some under water pics.
  9. thinking hour glass type of effect like its still flowing....crazy...the blue is very ellectric. you can not get a back lighted pic..thing is on fire. like a light bulb
  10. dang was just gonna say ..nice on castle in mib..lol
  11. pink champagne ..yes..no? no there isn't a house in it...lol
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