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Everything posted by stephenb

  1. Probably my best find of 2024: Peltier “Yellow Lantern” 🟡 Looking forward to ‘25!
  2. Thank you The Nickel Guy ! I appreciate it.
  3. Thanks for sharing Chad, that was a crazy day! I don’t think I’ve witnessed anything like that before, and was thrilled to film it. Probably a once in a lifetime type score!
  4. Here’s a Fancy Conquer example that belongs to a local marble friend. These are tough to find, the transparent blue base makes for a nice palate with the aqua & white veneer work.
  5. I would think Vacor is very possible. Their models often got a little far off of the standard line for the 25mm examples.
  6. Thank you for sharing Chad ! And happy Thanksgiving! 🍁
  7. Here’s to Steph! Thank you for everything! A pink Cat’s Eye with some unusual glass debris on the panels. ( I’m exactly sure of the maker, but Elizabeth Kempski say Peltier so I will roll with that✔️)
  8. MK Monday / 6-Panel Cub Scout with heavy red accents
  9. Thanks Chad for the share! Gerald did a top-notch job here! 🔵
  10. Thanks for posting Chad ! Gerald was 💯 amazing to work with!
  11. Next weekend is the Northeast Show in Cromwell CT. Always a great show ! Hope to see you there !
  12. Yours looks right to me Mellissa! Nice find!
  13. Very nice group Ric! you’ve got all of their general color combos right there.
  14. Thanks for sharing Chad, I appreciate it! 🙏
  15. Good job ! I like the way the blue color has dark tracers.
  16. Thanks for the share Chad! It was wild to watch him rip through those numbers like he could do it in his sleep. I checked them out and for online prices he was very accurate. Carowill, I agree!
  17. A bunch of different sizes and colors in this group shot.
  18. Thanks guys! Some of their marble styles are quite distinctive, others : not so much. For Americans the challenge is actually finding them around. I’ve only found one lot of about 20 at a Marble Show last fall. Time for a Mexican vacation / marble hunt!
  19. stephenb

    NLR ?

    Yes Joep this one was Peltier ✅
  20. Thank you Chad & Joep ! Happy New Year !🎈
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