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Everything posted by Jose

  1. I don't know if your familiar with this website. http://www.santasbling.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83:1991-2000-jabo-pictorial-history&catid=39:jabo-machine-made-marbles&Itemid=53 Hope it helps.
  2. Jose

    ID request

    They all look like Jabos to me.
  3. Jose

    No idea

    It could still be a Jabo just not to my knowledge but I'm a rookie here Sooo..
  4. Jose

    Help ID 42

    Any idea of maker or name? The surface feels rough and I have several other colors, are they Vacor?
  5. Jose

    No idea

    Only one glows (Orange) the yellow one.
  6. Jose

    No idea

    I have these you can compare it to. Hope it helps.
  7. Could these be Vitro?
  8. Jose

    Help ID 41

    These two are glow in the dark, Did any other manufacturer make glow in the dark marbles besides jabo and Akro agate? Thanks
  9. Jose

    Help ID 40

    Vacor blueberry freeze? I like the texture to these marbles.
  10. Jose


    I don't think is a jabo.
  11. Jose

    No idea

    I'll go out on a limb on this one and say No Jabo. I have several of this color but that brownish tint makes me climb the tree.
  12. Jose

    Help ID 39

    After six hours of separating 1,600 marbles between my wife and I here are the results. I know some are still mixed but you get the picture. Gentleman that sold them told me they were all Jabo's. Enjoy
  13. NOT saying it's a Jabo on the middle one but now that I'm done sorting out my 1600 jabo's I can say I have several that look similar in style as that middle one. I will be posting pics of the Jabo's later.
  14. Well there you have it my lesson of the day. Thanks Steph for teaching me this now I'm off to my local swap meet to search for marbles!!
  15. Never seen one of those. Comet for the red hot portion I take it.
  16. Jose

    Help ID 38

    I will have to agree however the two yellow ones in the middle are of higher quality and I saw some similar from the 1995 jabo release so I will have to do further research of those two. Sad story, I was going thru them and one of the yellow ones fell of the table ran across the carpet slipped under my screen door rolled out to the balcony and flew off the second story. Landed and chipped itself. I guess it wanted to get away
  17. Jose

    Help ID 37

    Here we have a few of the ones I bought.
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