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Everything posted by bonniemarbles

  1. Nice try- look at the single blackish banana shape floating in the middle of a bubble filled, clear marble- Bonnie
  2. I've talked some about my first marbles gotten with a jar I wanted, & that I didn't know that, when the auctioneer said "sold" I was starting a love affair my husband would approve of. Marbles have enchanted me with their color & designs, taught me things I didn't know I wanted to know, & most of, helped me stay sane through these pandemic days. I give so much credit to my marbles, I thought I should give a little stardom to the jar- so here's a pic of the bottle & about half of what it held; one note, the only cats eye in it I' got in the picture- can you find it?
  3. My first marble race, what a hoot-great way to spend a rainy, pandemic "stay at home" day. Looking forward to others
  4. What confuses my mind is why can't I see any color changes with my eyes. other than bubbles, all I can see is clear color. It's like magic to me, though a chemist could probably explain it. I got the bottle with these in it with the bottle I had gotten that I wanted- a "2 for one job", & there were solid grn., wh. ,blk., blues, & yellows mixed with various game marbles, marbles I took for Chinese checkers marbles & put them aside. Because I was playing with the black light & going over everything, even my cat, I found the yellow marbles looked solid but glowed with the same ribbon & patch as the reds- the others didn't glow, but had the Marble Kings ribbons with the "U" seams, The colors are blended & similar so they really didn't show the bands until I focus on them. All this because you said " look at them under black light".
  5. Out of curiosity I got out my box of single colored marbles & used my black light on them. My reds were dark, transparent & filled with small bubbles when held to a regular light, but under the black light patches & ribbons like I find on Marble King marbles appeared. No matter what light I tried,they just don't show up unless I used black light. So far I haven't seen this with any other marbles. Anyone, any explanation?
  6. About this pic. I separated out, the 3 that have the green strands came together in my 1st bottle , the other one came later but looked so similar I've kept them together, though it's red band is broader & lacks the green, the colors match- is it really from the same family?
  7. I just had to get these 4 in- They have been bugging me- do I have a real or fake turkey head, is one an Akro patch, & where do the 2 others go?
  8. I'm going back to some of the marbles from the first bottle I bought. I had them where I thought they should be, but now I'm not sure: I had the top 4 & bottom 4 Peltier, and , when it doubt, assigned them to Jabo-Vitro, my catch-all till I learn better. See what you think.. please-
  9. These pics show the marble with my led camera light- the base is full of bubbles & is yellow-green. It doesn't black light but the bands glow a cherry red
  10. Guess I must have good taste, cause I obviously have been sniped twice, & had an item taken from my first time using the cart, all within my first 8 times trying to buy a marble on eBay. I really had good luck with my live auction purchases, but the pandemic has dried that source up, & I wouldn't want to be with an auction crowd now anyway. We had decided before the virus appeared, to go to the Vegas marble show, but I haven't heard if it is still planned- any one know about it, or any others? Good hearing all your ideas & experiences, Bonnie
  11. My Lord' how beautiful- this is about my best favorite color combination in marbles, & to see such a swarm of them takes my breath away- & to see how mine resembles yours, like a lost sister, makes my marble totally top of the list special to me. Thanks for the sharing! Bonnie
  12. Before the Pandemic, I had never bought on eBay. I'm a" touch & see- in- person" gal, but this virus has changed that, so I tried eBay. I thought it would be easy; bid, be highest bidder, & pay. After 2 mon. & 8 purchases later I've learned a lot: I've done other on line-auctions, so I had a general idea on how to use one. I put in one of those undisclosed high bids & for hrs. no one had pushed the bid even near what my high bid was. In the last 18 seconds I was out-bid & there was no grace time added as other on- line auction do. It was blunt & I was stunned. The next day, I had another marble bidding going on, & again, I put in my highest bid, this time high enough no one in their right mind would bid over it, but I was ready, with finger posed over the bid button just in case. I counted down the seconds, 8, 7,6, by then I was sure the marble was mine....with 1 second to go I was outbid- not by 1 min., ONE SECOND! Beyond belief... !! So I changed my game plan. I would only go for "buy it now" or marbles that sellers had in their "store". I found 2 "buy it now" marbles, put them in my cart, & I saw the seller had 2 other marbles being bid on & closing the next day, so I bid on, & got them . I went to my cart to pay & only found 3 marbles from the seller noted there. I contacted the seller & was told that one marble I had put in my cart sold- so it seems just putting a marble in your cart does not secure it for you. I bought the 3 other marbles, as they really were nice, but when they say "buy it now" it must mean NOW! I realize I have just run into "Tricks of the trade" but I've put eBay on hold for now while I lick my wounds. If you folks who have become old hands at using eBay to buy marbles have any advice on how to be smarter bidding & getting new marbles, I would certainly appreciate your advice, Thanks, Bonnie
  13. I have guesses, but need to see if I'm right, or close. I think top & bottom are Peltier, & the middle one Christensen, how did I do?
  14. Using black light was an experience! In the 1st attached photo the 6 marbles together didn't glow at all, the 3 together glowed a weak dirty yellow, & the bottom group had a combination of bright yellow/orange. I thought they were all from the same maker but was very surprised at the uv results- so are they not all Jabo-vitro, as I thought? a positive ID would be very much appreciated if it can be done from this photo. Next, I had my swirl marbles sorted by guesswork into various groups, a mix ofJabo-vitro, Alley & Christensen, so I thought, & had expected to see clumped results from their uv reaction. To my surprise, some marbles in ea. group had the same glow results, while others that look very similar to ones I had clumped them with didn't glow at all. I pulled the ones that glowed the same (21 in all). and they are amazing, with bright cherry-red and orange swirls. Now, does this mean that they are all from the same family, & if so can you id them from this sample pic (the photo didn't show all marbles but it enlarges), What surprised me the most that, although they were various visual colors, they glowed the same. It's like another world! I tried to photo some, but no success yet Thanks (don't know how this blown up pic appeared here, but don't know how to move it, so guess here's something else I have to learn) Bonnie
  15. bonniemarbles

    my marbles

    a picture record of the marbles I need to identify, &, or display
  16. bonniemarbles

    uv results.jpg

    From the album: my marbles

  17. No list of which marbles glows how- darn I thought I had a new way to get a clue as to what I have- thanks for the information everyone-Bonnie
  18. So do we keep several diff. ones around to try on various marbles to see how they respond to ea., or do certain marble makers marbles always show one or another color glow so that helps us know what to classify them under? Bonnie
  19. Steph kicked my gears into looking further into my marble's potential fluorescent glows. Out of curiosity and with "stay at home" time on my hands, this is what I've so far gleaned: led and fluorescence are the same in ability to make things glow, it's how they are made to perform that makes the difference. They basic blacklight bulb can be made with a dark "Woods" glass or a version of colored glass, which give a dim fluorescent glow, good for kids posters or Halloween costumes, but all agreed they were the worst for serious glows. The led bulb gave a good glow, on par with black light fluorescent tubes, but had a glare, were more expensive, & gave off more visible outer light spread, while the black light fluorescent tubes did as good a job producing an excellent glow, but were less expensive, had little glare, & very little visible light spread. These are just my lay-mans findings, &, having only seen what my cell phone camera does, I can't wait now to get a fluorescent black light to try- what a world that first bottle of marbles has opened for me! Bonnie
  20. I love Fenton glassware, have sold a lot of from my antique booth & have kept a few opalescent pieces, maybe that's why I like these particular marbles so much. Do marbles glow diff. with blacklight than using the cell phone light? Also, do you still think my resized marble series with the diff. views is a vitro? Again, thanks
  21. I tried to get a blacklight light bulb- had one once for Halloween, but so far I haven't been able to find a bulb, only long tube bulbs- It's so hard to get anything now with the spastic way things are, so frustrating & I hate ordering items, I like to touch & feel! I really was impressed by the show the blue/lavender/green put on, wish it was like that normally. Thank you so much for all the help
  22. held over my cell phone flashlight the evergreen glows like foxfire, the lavenders glow a lovely salmon, the blue 's the best, it just glows like an opal, & the one you said might be an alley just sits there. What further does this tell you? Bonnie
  23. the first series is a retry: the second series has pink as it shows, and the dark is evergreen, not black: the third is nicer then shows because the blue is transparent & goes into the marble: the last one has the dark evergreen that can look black in spots. I couldn't find any distinct cut lines except for a distinct fold between two green patches in the lower marble in the idd1series photo. These all need a home!
  24. I had redone some views for "viewC.jpg" where my marbles were huge, but somehow the new views ended un under an added photo of "id#1a, & under "for ii.d.'ing#5c" photos. I still am trying to get an id on "viewC" but don't know how they ended up where they are now- & i'd like to get rid of those huge marble pics, but, again, don't see any way how to do it...a mess, Bonnie
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