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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Master, brick, ash and bubbles, also the unknown manufacture ones that I got from overseas w/ no air bubbles and a mass of snow in the base. Overseas Master
  2. I always thought a snowglobe was a marble w/ potash or oven brick in it regardless of manufacturer ??
  3. Still a nice mib, a monster, I'd keep it too
  4. No pontil, Mineral agate IMO (natural ground agate not glass) the colors were there before it just has some fractures in the rock, you'll find it's much heavier than glass and colder to the touch.
  5. Nice big Peltier Spiderman, how big is it Dave ??
  6. Chad G.


    I see Akro as well.
  7. Chad G.

    Melon 🍈?

    They look like chips IMO
  8. Chad G.

    Melon 🍈?

    Not seeing a pontil Joe, machine made, Master never made handmades.
  9. Chad G.

    Melon 🍈?

    I'm still clueless ??
  10. Chad G.

    Melon 🍈?

    Could be almost any manufacture IMO
  11. Some Akros from a score a couple years ago, including 2 giant double ingots.
  12. Here's an illustration, in one production method the glob is split but still a single gather & both end up having a pontil.
  13. Every antique German Sulphide I have has a faceted or ground pontil, they're what's known as a "single gather marble" the earliest form of marble production but not the earliest marbles. I did read an article explaining the split single glob method you speak of though Fire. Both still all have a pontil LINK :: https://www.realorrepro.com/article/Sulphide-Marbles LINK :: https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/sulphides/ SULPHIDES A Sulphide has a transparent base with a sulphide figure inserted inside it. They are single-gather, single-pontil marbles. The most common figure found in a Sulphide marble is an animal. Barnyard animals, household pets, squirrels, and birds are most common. Wild animals including razorbacks, elephants, and lions are a little less common. Human figures are more difficult to find. These can be either full length figures, or busts. Generally, they are historical. Mythical or allegorical figures are rarer still, as are angels. It is generally believed that angels are mourning or remembrance pieces. Angels come in a variety of styles. There is a series of Sulphide marbles that contain the individual numerals 0 to 9. There are also Sulphide marbles with figures of inanimate objects in them. These are usually coins, numerals on disks or pocket watches. They are extremely rare. Some sulphide figures are painted. We have seen figures that are painted (simply or elaborately), as well as painted numerals and inanimate objects. The value of these is greatly affected by the degree of color coverage, the brightness of the colors, and the number of colors used. A very few sulphide figures have been found in transparent colored glass. A number of shades have been found, including blues, greens, yellows, amethysts, browns, and pinks. These are very rare. Also, an extremely few Sulphides have been found with more than one figure in them. These are also extremely rare. The value of a Sulphide is greatly affected by several factors, other than the type of figure in the marble. Because the figures were inserted into the glass by hand, the skill of the maker greatly affected the quality of the marble. Figures that are off-center in the marble can be greatly discounted in value (by as much as 50% or more). A figure can either be too close to the right or left side of the marble, too high or low, or set too far forward or back. The figure had to be heated to the same temperature as the glass on the end of the punty, in order for the marble to be made properly. If the temperature difference between the glass and the figure was too great, then the marble would shatter when it was being made. In some cases, the temperature difference was not so great that the marble would shatter, but rather the figure would crack when inserted. Cracked figures discount the value of the marble (by up to 50%). In other cases, pieces of the figure broke off when it was inserted into the glass. This also discounts the value. In some cases, as the figure was being inserted into the marble, some air would be trapped in the marble as well. A thin layer of trapped air around the figure was necessary to achieve a silvery sheen that enhances the viewing of the figure. However, too much trapped air can cause so much reflection that the figure cannot be properly seen. Trapped air can discount the value of the marble by as much as 60%. Finally, because Sulphides are single-pontil marbles, there is always one pontil on the surface. In some cases, this pontil is ground down. If the pontil is on the bottom pole of the marble, then the figure can be viewed properly from all angles. However, depending on the skill of the maker, the pontil could end up anywhere on the marble in relation to the figure. In some instances, the pontil obscures viewing one side of the figure. This can result in a discount on the value of the marble (up to 40%). In 1993, a group of Sulphides surfaced that have become the source of great controversy in the marble collecting community. These marbles have been dubbed “California Sulphides” because there was only one person who was selling them, and he was from California. Without getting into the whole history of the events surrounding the introduction of these marbles to the market, it is safe to say that the marble collecting community has been pretty much divided as to whether these marbles are as old as traditionally known sulphides, or are modern reproductions, or are older but not as old as antique Sulphides. You must reach your own conclusions as to the age of these marbles. They can be identified by several features. Many of them were in colored glass (usually very dark) or a light Vaseline color. Many contained multiple figures (two or more). Many were figures that had never been seen before (seahorse, lady riding a horse side-saddle, etc.). None of the figures had a silvery sheen to them, and many had a light rust-red haze on them. Very few of the marbles fluoresced under a black light (traditional sulphides usually fluoresce). Many had either a polished surface or an unpolished surface that had many tiny fissures in it when viewed by a 10x lens. There are some Sulphides that have appeared with crudely painted birds in them, usually on colored glass branches. These are definitively identified as Chinese, as the same figures exist in Chinese paperweights. They are believed to be from the 1960s and 1970s. Finally, a set of numerals, 0 to 9, was produced by an Italian glass house in the late 1960s and brought to the U.S. by a New York importer. They are easily identifiable as contemporary
  14. Chad G.

    Mealworms ?

    I remember our chicken eggs when I was a kid, we had Barred rock, Rhode island red, and Bantam (Banty) chickens. Looked like easter, white, brown, pink, and kind of a bluish green, big,small and everything in between but all mmm,mmm good. We had the Bantam because they were excellent sitting hens if I remember right ??
  15. It sure looks like the real deal to me, maybe polished, I don't see any pontil but still, starting around 1850 or so a nice piece of marble history. Yes it is a lying lamb (sheep) I've seen it many times before.
  16. Looks like what we used to call a "Blood & Bones" no idea what they're called now, if anything.
  17. The sulphide looks real to me !! Is there a faceted or ground pontil on it where the figure was inserted?? Do you have a measurement ?? Looks like just over an inch, anything @ or below an inch sulphide wise is HTF, the figure is a lying Lamb or sheep, I think it's in my sulphide book, I'll have to look. BTW, nice bunch of mibs David.
  18. Been there done that Brother, just before the helicopter dropped the napalm in the middle of the burn, what a tornado, I remember being in smoke for 2 days because the fire jumped the lines and guess who was behind them in the smoke, this of course is when I was slash burning, something they don't do anymore, @ least around here. What a wonder to be young, outran a fire devil up a steep hill that day, me the crummy driver and a buddy of mine, a pretty close shave, something I'll never forget.
  19. My fingers are sore from deleting, I couldn't keep up, did all I could do, glad their gone, hopefully the new restrictions will keep them out
  20. The problem is being addressed, just got home, man what a mess
  21. I think I see a pontil on this one, the rest look machine made IMO
  22. Oop !! Looked Opaque in the pix, agree w/ sub, nice mib
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