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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Wow what is the yellow and pink one? they are so beautiful Ron!
  2. loved! and played with! amazing! gets me every time, hundred years old almost such a small object yet here they are! thanks for sharing♥
  3. These are gorgeous!!!
  4. I found It! took some outside pictures! Thank you all ,very much!
  5. Really ! that cool never would have guessed it! wow learn so much here! I found it! and took some more outside pictures! Thank you!!
  6. My Sunday Best♥ I thought this was a black n cream Akro! surprise it's green ! and those lashes!
  7. Sunday Best♥ Those are awesome!!
  8. Thank you Dave! this one is amazing!! That color !!!wow!
  9. maybe small amount I still havent found yet ! lol Thank you Fire!
  10. I would take more pictures BUT I am notorious for misplacing them!!!!!!!! could be anywhere? still looking!!
  11. a couple more pic's different lighting? only middle strip that light shines through!
  12. no reaction to black light! Thank you Steph!
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