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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Very nice! i would love to see some pictures of the mushroom's you pick!
  2. Not a clown I think it's just a pretty Bo......... here is a clown
  3. Beautiful! you could post this everyday! never gets old!! sooo Pretty♥
  4. Great Job!! I have only been here 1 year . the marbles all look to be 5/8 's if you put this many on the post at once you will need to number them . I will give it a shot though, 1. ? 2. Looks like Vitro 3. Jabo 4. possible Peltier rainbo 5. maybe Vitro 6. might be an Alley? (only 2 pictures) 7. ? 8. guessing Master 9. is that also the same marble in #1 picture? if it is it is a Jabo, and # 10. is the same marble in # 2 picture ?
  5. Here is the other side!!! the marble is actually gray and yellow!
  6. Yes I am to I will try to get more pictures, thank you
  7. Gladys


    I'm guessing foreign, pretty one!
  8. Welcome Ryanc1227!! I would like to let you in on a secret , before the big guns ( marble masters) view !! they tend to like you to show all 4 sides of the marble also include the size, this will help them determine the maker, it is time consuming but well worth it! otherwise they would just be guessing.? it helps with you learning how to ID them as well . Or they might say they see some Jabo's Vacors cats eyes you might have a Vitro! line 4 up take a picture then turn and repeat! Good luck again welcome to the marble world!!!
  9. Gladys


    Pretty !! black lights are fun aren't they!
  10. I wish I could help on these but I do not know enough about them only furnace ones and hot wheels sorry! oh are you asking or telling? lol
  11. No Way! that's awesome! congrat's!
  12. You are so welcome I enjoy your marbles! so thank you!
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