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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Gladys

    Pelt ?

    Guessing Vitro Blackie
  2. I going to say Vitro's
  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Turkey is in the oven! yah!
  4. I do live close to the bay! and surrounded by farms! I have a fence as well b/c of coyotes and other large stray dogs! I have been seeing Eagles everywhere now! I guess they are coming back ten fold! Happy Thanksgiving Art♥
  5. caught this on web cam out to our property!! would have posted a turkey head marble! but I don't have one!!
  6. I just looked up how to tell male from female.....Females are usually a third of the size larger than males. Females tend to weigh between ten to fifteen pounds more. Females will typically have a wingspan of up to eight feet..!!!.......Holy crap! have you ever seen the difference?
  7. They are so pretty!!! Thank you for sharing!
  8. Oh ! NO!! they are amazing! to watch . But I don't want to see that stuff! yikes
  9. wow I just watched some of these videos after this one ! they attach everything!! WOW bears leopards sharks oh my!!
  10. WOW OK ! I noticed the chickens did hide under the hollow tree! I will keep my eye out then I will have to go out with Addie ! Thank you Fire♥
  11. Just curious about the Eagles we have some around the house and I have chickens and a very small Dachshund 7 lbs I was taking pictures of marbles and at 1st it was a young one with parent circling around awhile then another adult came in the picture I caught them fighting in mid air!! I felt very fortunate to have seen that but!, got me thinking would they try and take my Addie dog? I have heard stories!! but I thought they where scavengers ? any info would be great! Thank you
  12. I don't think neither! I am interested to know wat it might be though? Thank you for sharing
  13. I think so may the newer ones!
  14. Thank you! Art! maybe I will find it soon to take more pictures!! ugh!!
  15. WHAT GREAT INFO!! Thank you Jzoook6 interesting!
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