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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. YES!!!! They are one of my favorites!!!! Carowill is up next!! Yah!!!!
  2. I think it's a generation thing!! LOL, we didn't have those kinds of warnings?
  3. Tad over 5/8's U.S. made one of my favorites!!
  4. I will try to come up with one! PLEASE STAND BY !!
  5. Looks like one I think! Superman not sure, but it sure is pretty♥ the pro will want the size!
  6. Well I won with the most wrong guesses!! and learned something to! O.K. here's mine not sure if I made it blurry enough!
  7. WOW That's Great!! I never saw anything like before!!!
  8. I am but please tell!! one more guess! Ravenswood?
  9. Happy Akro Friday♥ I think this one is Akro ?
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