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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. I believe this Pelt as earned a spot here! Happy Peltier Tuesday!
  2. MK Monday♥ I have tried very hard to take pictures of this MK Painted Turtle, it is by far the hardest marble to try and capture it's beauty! hope you enjoy! Have a great week♥
  3. poor thing has been through a lot ! but is a survivor! Thank you in advance!
  4. ALL of Them♥ Beautiful!!
  5. white reacts to UV! Thank you!......... I know it's a lot of pic's but it seems to have a lot going on!
  6. I am going to take a shot at this, love the colors in the 1st one! Tigers eye? I think 2nd one tiger's eye and third conqueror? don't hold me to it! some one else will correct me soon!.. lol
  7. That is a beautiful marble! I can't tell from the picture but it should be blue cloudy almost see through appearance/ here are pictures of some of my Ghost. . Heaton makes a similar marble but instead of blue it is a darker brown
  8. Oh my Goodness! Gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing! I am suppose to be cleaning my house! and now I have to look at these for next hour or 2 LOL
  9. Hi Ron! I will keep you in mind if I ever part! but how did it get it's name ? Thank you
  10. Actually I am just going through my slags and swirls! that's where i found these ! I decided it was time to learn about swirls and how to I.D. them? before I was just focused on Vitro/Pelts/MK's my brain can only handle so much at once! I must have tucked that Zebra away with swirls ! what a nice surprise! cloudy here but took some anyway!
  11. Thank you,! very much! can't wait to find out!!
  12. I feel so stupid!! I didn't even know!! wow i have to look at all my swirls again! wow Thank you all
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