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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. amazingly they did answer back! and they were nasty to me! I looked at some of the things they had sold and boy did they rip people off! it's a shame! I also like the hunt William I started collecting jars of Mibs every flea market I went to along with goodwill and some other auctions ! then after about 15 jars i wondered what was in them!....... boy did I have fun for a while, love learning about the history! I have been lucky on some of my lowest priced lots! it's always a surprise!!
  2. who makes a flinty? thank you
  3. It has a valley in it smooth glass blue translucent .61 Thank you ......no UV
  4. Heaton Blackberries!? are these them? Thank you
  5. Unethical.....I have tried to let them know what they really have! one of them is trying to sell a 5/8 Jabo red marble as a Ruby Slipper with a Turkey head? What?? $125.00 UGH!!!! OK I am done. Thank you rant board!
  6. Red circled is Marble King / green is Vacor . do not know the others!
  7. WOW! oh my goodness, so cute and pretty all at the same time!
  8. The green orange yellow blue one love it! what is it called? Thank you
  9. even though light doesn't pass through at all? Thank you so much Chad.
  10. Guessing Vitro's?
  11. WOW!! Ruby Slipper! Dorthey found her way home!! yah!!! Thank you so much!
  12. I back lit but not translucent ! no light coming through at all? I have similar pic's below the one on the right is translucent!
  13. would it have a name besides red base translucent rainbo? Thank you! and if anyone has some would love to see them! my pictures are as good as U all's
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