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Everything posted by Rooster

  1. Thank you! I saw your post on a thread about how to shoot mib pics. Changed some settings in phone and it helped heaps. 🥰
  2. Thank you Ron for the insight into Jabo process. I noticed that while shopping on ebay how different people selling Jabo sets have same runs but different families in their sets. It makes sense now. Each investor didn't get every family from a run. I have watched the Tribute run on YouTube about 20 times now, so I finally decided to grab a set from that run. Cannot wait to watch vid again when the mibs arrive!
  3. Bumping this post because it's awesome!
  4. Oh Lovely! Akro! 🥰 Thank you both, the color is definitely deep oxblood. The more interesting one has few deep dark threads inside it that look very interesting with backlight while rollin mib in fingers.
  5. Learned how to take better pics... SIZE: approx. .63-.64 inch Picked this pair out as looking really nice. Any knowledge is greatly appreciated. 😄 ALSO... should i make separate thread for each mib I need help identifying? Many thanks! 🥰
  6. I agree! The combined knowledge here is very much needed. I also appreciate it.
  7. Yes newer marbles are beautiful too. The 2nd most I ever paid for a single mib was for a Jabo. It's TBD if the mib I paid the most for is also a Jabo, will post pics when it gets here. On marbles I fully appreciate the value they hold but I collect because I like them, and I collect many many things.
  8. Value means nothing to me so I love it! I was born in Clarksburg WV so I absolutely love Akro! Thank you everyone. Yes i fully understand condition, condition, condition is everything in collectibles. It's just nice to finally have a really old swirl/slag.
  9. It's a little dinged up but it's a first for me. I know it's old...
  10. HIYA 👋 Glad to meet ya! 😅
  11. Haha. Steph can move it anywhere he wants. Love his YT channel.
  12. Hi all, name is Deanna AKA Rooster. I am certified glass addict... a collector of all things colorful and breakable. I also collect toys and games, so marbles hit all my checkpoints! So far I have a decent sized collection, and also soon have a flood of eBay lots to sort into collection when they arrive. My plans are to show my collection in vids on YouTube and maybe do some trading someday. Just a quick pic of my most prized Pelt i own. Enjoy!
  13. Also still live close by in Pittsburgh, and have a very strong back for diggin in clay. I volunteer in advance for any WV digs!
  14. Hello, my name is Deanna but people call me Rooster. I absolutely love marbles, pretty much just machine made. My favorites are Akro, Vitro, Master, and Peltier, and all WV swirls. I am originally from Clarksburg WV and lived right by old Hazel Atlas/ Anchor Hocking factory site there. Also, happened to live in the old Coca-Cola bottling works in Clarksburg for first 8 years of life. Glass collecting of all types is my passion. Glad to be here!
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