Vacor has a pattern that shows up on their marbles - below are examples of a few of the Vacor patterns:
This is a Vacor serpent
This is a real Peltier Superman
notice the cut lines - color slightly bends just before the cut?
Here are a few examples of Vacors "pattern"
long tailing swirl - huge big curve - thin twists back and forth (not corked)
When you see that pattern on a Peltier CubScout (vacor wavebreakers),Peltier Tiger (vacor tiger), a Cherry Akro Slag (vacor rooster) or Blue Akro Slag (vacor neptune), or a Peltier Superman (vacor serpent)- or a multitude of Ravenswood and other assorted West Virginia swirls - which vacor has named "old fashioneds" - bells and whistles should go off for further examination.