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Everything posted by marblemansion

  1. I think - for a board of this type - the ideas of banishment or "room to themselves" are both good....however banishment requires more work for the moderator to keep track of offenders number of warnings. A political website I frequent allows the moderators to deduct points from you - you start with ten and you can lose them for various reasons - if you fall below 4 you get a day off - but if you go 30 days with no complaints you get your points back - if you lose all your points you get a week off for first offense, and then 2 weeks, and then a month etc...you get the idea.....this has greatly reduced the amout of trash talk that goes on among members there and has made the board and the topics at hand to be a flourishing bonanza of visitors and contributions. This system is good for the political arena - but might be overkill for a marble site.
  2. My opinion - I am not a seller on EBay anymore - but I buy pretty frequently. Sellers used to be able to hold my feedback hostage by responding with their own negative on you if you gave them one for any reason - which was totally unfair. Now Ebay has made the market "buyer freindly" by putting ALL the earnst on the seller to take care of the buyer with 100% satisfaction - which is how it SHOULD be. If the seller is slow to ship, or wraps the product in re-used smokey smelly foam peanuts, or wads up my mint condition Peltier Original bags into a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 printed email - they are gonna get nailed on the shipping section - and if they are super slow, or super poor in their descriptions - I will nail them on those areas too. Now I can give the seller a over all positive rating but still be honest and fair in communicating to others any problems I may have experienced - which is what feedback is supposed to be about...If a seller is a real dog and screws up and refuses to make good - I get to nail them without fear of retribution - and others are warned about the problems. As a solution - you might want to try sending a follow up email to your buyers asking them if all went well and asking them to leave you a 5 star rating because they (the customer not the rating) are important to you. One seller sent me a set of MK "tigers" and when they arrived they were "wasps" - I could have just nailed them for poor description - but instead I emailed them and asked for a partial refund - which they did immediately - and I gave them 5 stars - other sellers refused to respond to requests for combined shipping - so they might get a positve because they did what they said they would do on the auction listing - but my comments are not nice....which is a great advantage to the buyers and potential buyers looking to see who they want to deal with.
  3. Your idea sounds good to me - since polls of this nature have a limited nature to them - I think your idea falls closest into the "members making such posts should be temporarily banned after 2 warnings" category with your stipulations attached in a post - its the closest match. thanks for the input....it does seem that most would rather have the offensive post moved rather than deleted and the offender banned. apparently a majority like to watch a good fight - and might even feel that some day they will be in the participating end of such a fricas - and therefore do not want the system to catch up to them.....
  4. squable zone - fight club - seems to be the desired method over banning - I guess everyone likes to view a good fight - name calling and all.
  5. Yeah those bigger MK are really hard to come by these days - nice to have the pair. I dont have a shooter sized Green Hornet.
  6. I have been on many many boards and hosted my own for several years, so I kinda know what Lou (and Steph) are up against. I also have been that guy that instigated lots of stupid arguments over nothing and felt I had to prove something. (Sorry all) At the time it seemed great to argue on the board - although I think that boards like this allow things to get said that might never get said in a face to face conversation or in a real public setting. I just wondered what others thought. If Lou thinks my poll is inappropriate - feel free to delete it.
  7. Being a old time Mega Marbles collector - I can say with pretty definite assurance that is a Ninja Turtle - those are pretty rare and hard to find - they were discontinued prior to 1999.
  8. Nice - I think those are Vitros there - look like tri-colors or maybe a parrot....nice group for $10!
  9. Okay - so my insomnia kicked into high gear: Here is my big box of MKS good night!
  10. I got this kind - a Zebra striped cats eye but I have never seen a black yellow cross through.....it is my old high school colors - I would love to have it too!
  11. I finally completed my set with full rows of tigers, spideys, bumbles, wasps, cubscouts and girlscouts with some hercules, my dragonfly and green hornet - -----> I need to get new photos of the completed set - but this is when it was still under construction:
  12. i got some lets see if I can find the pics: This was the only full Jabo Cork I have ever found - where the colors do not touch and completely encircle the marble one full twist - they are really rare - most of them look like this:
  13. wow those are schweet looking - really nice and shiny what did they cost you if you dont mind divulging?
  14. and the DUG varieties - which can go on and on forever and ever - I don't think anyone could ever be done getting one of each variety:
  15. And what collection of MKs would be complete without an original bag?
  16. Here is a display of one inch boulders
  17. Had to weigh in - I love MKs and have collected alot of them: I finally got my dragonfly - its taken me years to find one I could afford! nuther one of my favorites is the double ingot bumblebee:
  18. try placing the marble in a bowl of water - that will move the flash reflection point of light off the surface of the marble and onto the water surface - but will still allow the camera to focus on the marble below the surface. ahhhh the things I learned in my underwater basket weaving class....
  19. Kevin - what in the world is that cat doing???? uhhhh.... dont answer that. As for Golden anythings - I cant post a photo of mine cuz I aint got one.
  20. I thought we were talkin COMMON: 1" JABOS 5/8" MK Pastels A sea of Hurricanes:
  21. Does that racer come equipped with seat belts?! and you might consider getting Weldon a splash guard and an umbrella - hes gonna get mighty road worn riding on the back of that Suburban in inclement weather!
  22. I had a good little chuckle when he said: "I don't have any identification books on hand... haven't used them for a decade ROFL." right on great viewing.
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