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Everything posted by marblemansion

  1. not surprised to hear about glittering acrylic: 8 pounds of glittering gold - Bowling balls are made to glitter - and they are acrylic. I suppose if you are interested in buying true goldstone - you want to make sure its not acrylic first. drill a hole in it? if you can drill it easily its not goldstone and thus is worthless so the hole wouldnt matter anyways.. rofl
  2. sorry - snagged a pic from your site too - thought it was okay as long as I mentioned where the photo was from. There are free programs that let web viewers know when they right click the picture to save it that you do not want the photos copied without permissions - I used to have them on my website cuz one seller went through my entire site - copied all the photos and built their own website - NOT cool! As for your mini marbles - I get more comments from everyone looking in my collectors case about the little tiny marbles - I put a note by the container that says "worlds smallest marbles" - everyone says - "are those really the worlds smallest?" - I just smile and say - YEP.
  3. to me transparent swirls are nice clean base clear glass with a single color throughout, or maybe two colors. Floaters would be more mixie and muddlie lots a colors but still able to follow the streams of colors into the depths of the core. make sense? does to me. :Sad_headshake_tweetz:
  4. Kinda like the sep-aration that oc-curs - just afer ya pour the root-beer over the ice-cream and the cr-eam is still flo-ating a-round in-side the root-beer and has-n't mixed to-gether yet.
  5. Hey hey - Is this something? ebay auction Chinese cats eyes - but man that box is in good shape - and those staples? Is this for real?
  6. :rol: run right by da man - :Evil_1: git them mibs! :rofl:
  7. yeah I thought Vitro too - but didn't Vitro mark their boxes too? who made completely plain unmarked boxes?
  8. Right on! Hi Jane - I remember you! I bought some of your marbles - and still have them in my collection - one of them looks like this one from your site: I remember when you made your first dragon marble and posted it for us to see - looks like they have improved alot! Nice to see you here.
  9. first thought is its a contemp remake - never seen those before - so am not positive.
  10. so what do you figure they are? he calls them Akro tri-patches - LOL never heard of that.
  11. Etsy is not what we thought it was. They contacted us and will not allow sales of handmade marbles unless YOU made them....or unless they are vintage....sooo now we are in process of exchanging some of the contemps we had up into vintage glass marbles for sale.... keep an eye out - we will be listing some nice ones soon - right now we just have up some corkscrews and popeye - some peltiers - check them out at our site: Marble Mansion
  12. with international shipping - you can't just drop a package of marbles in the local PO drop bin - they return it to you - you MUST stand in line at the PO to ship internationally with the USPS- which can mean hours out of a day....I dont envy him $25 worth of intl shipping. as for blowing off the "seed the lot buyers" - GOOD LUCK and get blocking!
  13. sunsets are one of my favorites - I like the bubble filled glass - find them in blue, green, yellow - COLLECT EM ALL! put em in boxes and write your will.... :Happy_143:
  14. I need to finish the blackies - and complete the rows of each color ---- as for the Pelts - that box has my Rootbeer float which are HTF - but its missing my most rare of all - my Peltier Peerless Pearlized Patch ---- I keep that one on special display in my cabinet. I don't have a photo of it - but I have only seen 2 or three sold from Marble Alan over the last 10 years - they are VHTF. There was a dug version on the bay the other day but it was all beat up. I have more boxes - but where are everyone elses? I wanna see I wanna see!
  15. I used to love getting a new 4,000 count case of jabo classics and sorting them into big piles for placements into collectors edition cases.... can't do that no more...
  16. does it come complete with a stand that plays "Pretty Woman"?
  17. Here are a few boxes I have put together: Blackies Peltiers Slags Handmades
  18. wouldn't catch me dropping $5 let alone $500 on those with that rating.
  19. Look at this auction http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-St-Mary-Cub-Sc...p3286.m20.l1116 Is that a real St Marys or are the vanes too wavey?
  20. Goldstone will sparkle in the sunlight - because the gold platelets are floating around in the glass - fiberoptics just kinda change color as you roll them back and forth and won't sparkle. I only have the one thats pictured above - maybe someday I will try to get some in more colors.
  21. Ya - nice to have a few in your collection - but they do sorta remind me of the "fiber optic" marbles - in a sense -- but the history of them is kinda interesting...
  22. Anybody got these? I put up a bit of history of Goldstone on my blog tonight - thought that might be something that hasn't been kicked around for a while...
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