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Everything posted by marblemansion

  1. ouch :doh: thats gonna leave a mark!
  2. Those were the very last sets I made - so they would have been from the 2004 Jabo fall classics.
  3. When I was running the Mansion still back a few years ago - I had been in contact with a rep from Imperial Toy Company and was getting ready to place an order with them - when one of the most disheartening things occurred to me. I went down to Walmart - I strolled into the toy section (like I always do) and started looking for marbles - I found they had bags of these Imperials for sale for less than I could get at wholesale....so they were making a profit at less than what I could buy them for....thats when I knew Walmart and me had a bit of difference in our *ahem* "buying power" - lol
  4. Alright! Nice. I think they were only $10 back then - those sets are the best ones I did...the glass topped cases were just too---, well the marbles just didnt fit right - with THIS set - it has foam dividers, and the marbles are mint out of the case from Jabo - the marbles are not gonna rub - so those are really nice. I saved me a few of them - but they are not for sale.
  5. I have a few up for sale if anyone of you are interested. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=71530...tion_id=6111777 Old headers - hard to find these days.
  6. big shooters with crazys swirls on them if I remember right. I dont own any. sorry.
  7. cool stuff - you spend hours at the library looking for these? and American Marble Company - is that one I have not heard of before?
  8. wow $26 and some change - anyone know the who the winner is? Ebay just shows s****m....no way to know I guess.
  9. its just a reflection from the ringy thingy --- JUST KIDDING!
  10. Haematinum huh, had to look that one up...its not in the English dictionary if you were after "Hematin" it is Arabic - meaning "A bluish black, amorphous substance contanin iron and obtained from blood...." aside from sounding a bit dracula-ish - I guess it is a close 'nuff meaning for what you are looking for.... something red that is not oxblood but kinda sorta close - is that it?
  11. I am also still confused about the origins of the "Asian" marbles and the "Shanghai" marbles - who is discovering them, (you said they were "dug" in Shanghia- but not by who)-- and what is their age---maybe I am confusing the 2. Steph you wrote back something about House of Marbles marketing them...but the ground pontils indicate vintage stock and handmade origins - although I know of the Chinese handmades that Marble Alan was promoting years ago had rounded pontils - are these similar in origin? In other words are they recent contemporary handmades?
  12. The first board I was on was Bob Blocks. If you have never had the pleasure of a Winlock marble - take a minute to check out his stuff - he makes some pretty cool marbles.
  13. Wow - Winlock marbles is selling one of my old sets - I never thought I would see the day that someone sold one of my old collectors sets on the bay.... brings up lots of sentiments - We went to meet Cory from Winlock marbles and he gave my children a class on marble making and sent them all home with a marble that he made for them on the premises...totally wonderful man... here is a link to the auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270383561471
  14. speaking of Latex paint - what about those "Civil War" marbles - :doh: I actually put up a discussion about these marbles on my blog today. http://www.marblemansion.blogspot.com/ The original article from the Atlanta Journal is quoted there....neat history.
  15. :rol: :rofl: rrrright....you must have read my profile....lol
  16. Having once run a message board similar to this one - I must say I think Steph and Al are doing a great job - there is really no where else to get the kind of broad based general information & quality information about the marble collecting hobby. I have not been around to follow all the ins and outs of - but I try to keep it simple, IMHO - if you have fun so will others.
  17. Japan huh...those took over the marble market as I was growing up as a kid.... I have some of the blue and yellow St Mary's - they are nice. Thanks for the info.
  18. Okay now I got the whole story - Sarah got it in a marble exchange she participated in - probably on this forum back a few years ago. It is probably a Dennis Richardson then. thanks for the help everyone! Good detective work.
  19. those cross throughs are hard to find - thanks for sharing the photos! So those wer made by ???
  20. Check out the purple and lavendar cork screw in this auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/REAL-PRETTY-VINTAGE-MA...3A1%7C294%3A200
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