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Everything posted by marblemansion

  1. after reading this thread - my conclusion is: lighten up y'all - its only a ball of glass.
  2. G I JOE ! JUST KIDDING!!!! But really - my wife dragged me out to see "Julie Julia" - the one about Julia Childs and the blogger that cooked every recipe in her cook book - it sounds boring - I know - BUT IT IS HILARIOUS! Meryl Streep just nails the part as Julia Childs and I laughed throughout the movie - and there are some more serious moments that are just as well acted - great acting great story deserves an Oscar. Have a great evening !
  3. "Bennett comics" - were they part of a collectors repro set? I hate those - the new repro Akro boxes and such just ruin the market.
  4. great comparisons - thanks for the tips. As you can probably gather - I don't have any of these in my collection yet...so now I will know better what to look for when I decide to get them - thanks!
  5. Whats the give away? by looking just at the photos provided in the auctions I could not say they were new MKs - how can you be so sure?
  6. Looks like some of the Italian clay marbles you can pick up - they are hand painted and fired in a kiln - you would be able to tell by the light weight.
  7. :Emoticon-jawdrop: drool slobber drool do you provide napkins with your finds?
  8. dern! I thought prices were down - you can pick up some nice mibs on the bay now for really cheap. Stuff I was saving up to pay top dollar for a few years ago have come down into the affordable now range.
  9. I think the $258 ending price indicates that collectors knew this was a Peltier....nice marble.
  10. Man - if that was a Vacor Serpent it would be extremely rare....in all my years of collecting selling and packaging Vacors - I have never seen one with ribbons like that....not to say it couldnt be one - I found many many oddities in the bulk packages we bought and sold....and that was always the fun of getting in a new batch....looking for the oddballs.
  11. Vacors came in: 12mm (1/2") ---- 16mm (5/8") ---- 25mm (1 inch) ---- 35mm (1 1/2") ---- 42mm (1 5/8") and bombing 50mm (2") Vacor did not make a 7/8" marble that I am aware of - and their sizes did not vary widely - they were pretty standard and round but the bigger Vacors were notorious for annealing folds and airbubbles.
  12. Having been in the Vacor business for several years - I can pretty definitely say that is not a Vacor. Vacor marketed a similar pattern called a "serpent" - but the color and pattern and bleeding do not match. Here is a Vacor
  13. Jess just file with Paypal - non receipt of goods - unless you mailed him a check or something - Paypal takes about 15 days and you get your money back...but you need to file right away - time might be short on how long you can wait to file. If you mailed a check - all I can say is - ouch. I got my money back - so I never filed a negative yet - although it might be a good idea.
  14. I had a problem recently with Bobbies - so before I bid on Mikes - I emailed him - His response was that the Bobbies name was his wifes - and she had some "issues" - he was now going to be doing some listings as Mikes and would be taking care of things himself - As for the Davis marbles - this guy has always sold some really strange stuff - so nothing new there - but he does have some nice marbles from time to time.
  15. you included "the board" - which might be why they "don't care" if it was only themselves at risk they might change their answer....but none the less - you are always liable for your actions and words, however proving "libel" is extremely different.
  16. Marble Alan listed those as dug and they looked it - thats why they went cheap. Getting ahold of one that is nearly flawless is almost impossible if you ask me. I have only found this one is years and years of keeping an eye out for one. Here it is -
  17. Here is my RBF - I finally found the photo of it:
  18. so how did a 1" machine run manage such a wide variety of sizes? this is perplexing maybe they slowly opened or closed the diameter of the flow during the run??? I dunno how that stuff works.
  19. I double checked Blocks book (the more recent Red and White one) before I posted to get the sizes he said the run was, right before I posted - I am not at home now to double check - but yes - those were the sizes he claimed. I always wondered because when I stumbled across mine - it was a little bigger than 11/16" - but I was sure it was a RBF - there is just nothing else like them.
  20. just possible a 5/8" example could have come from the 30' or 40's during the rainbow runs - some of Peltiers glass was rather brownish and the white conceivably could have gone below surface to form a blade in the glass - those would not be from the RBF run though - but still a neat one to have. I have some bananas in red glass - so those are "cherry floats" ?? - if the glass were brown - I could see naming them RBF.
  21. kewl - I did not realize there was so much information in the loop about "goldstone" - MUST be where the statement originated "all that glitters is not gold (stone)" thanks for sharing - pictures would sure be even better. nobody liked my acrylic eurethan pre drilled glittering gold bowling ball? Talk about a BIG marble!!!
  22. So here is what appears to be an agate that looks like goldstone: Ebay auction
  23. I see Marble Alan has a 1" RB Float for sale - I know how well Bob Block and Alan get along - :Sad_headshake_tweetz: but Blocks books state the floats were only made during a 1 day run in the 11/16" to the 7/8th" size - I know Block is usually wrong - but is there some news on these?
  24. I am not positive - but the article posted on my blog tells of the Italian word "avventurina" referring to goldstone - I dont know how glass works or where the adventurine comes from - or why it sparkles - but they seem to have similar origins - and I have seen marbles made of solid adventurine.
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