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Everything posted by IeatSOUND

  1. Ugh... Just noticed that my phone auto-corrected the title to say "mibS" instead of just singular mib. Annoying. Lol.
  2. Last one for the night. I'm guessing Jabo..? 0.606"
  3. Opaque white with very transparent red glass. The white glass is UV reactive. Measures 0.593"
  4. Purple one is 0.597" and the green one is 0.582"
  5. Really not sure about this one. My first thought is that it's just an off-center cats eye.. But it's got a lot more going on in it than your typical 4, 5 or 6 veined cats eye. There's a lot of individual strands of color as well as the fatter vein-like structures... So it kinda makes me think about sparklers, except there's not enough filaments and I don't know if about sparklers had fatter filaments that could look like veins. I dunno. I'm prolly just over thinking it and it is just a weird cats eye.. Who knows? Well, hopefully one of y'all do! 😀 It measures 0.621"
  6. The white base on this one is very wispy, if that's the right word. It's made of a bunch of very straight filaments. It's a very tidy marble, if that makes any sense. Lol. It's also a robust 0.753"
  7. The transparent glass on this one glows under UV slightly, as does a portion of the white patch. No pics of it glowing though, 'cause it's rather hard to capture in a pic since the only source of UV I have is a 405nm laser pointer. Anyways, it comes in at a chunky 0.715"
  8. Trying to limit my topics to three or so marbles so they're not so overwhelming. 😇 This one comes in at 0.603"
  9. I'm thinking they might all be Jabos.. This first one is 0.631"
  10. I do believe this is a Vacor "Panda"
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