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William last won the day on July 12

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1 Follower

About William

  • Birthday 06/04/1968

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    Marble and agate hunting, fishing, bumming around in the yard with the garden etc.,

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  1. Without seeing any more pics (but some more would help), I would say likely a Pelt.
  2. Looking like Veiligglas to me
  3. Nice,Tommy! Loving it my friend!
  4. William

    Sunburst ??

    We'll see what happens with opinions 👍😎
  5. William

    Sunburst ??

    Not a Sunburst, but thinking maybe a Vacor Sunset? More opinions for sure Be Cool 👍😎
  6. William

    YASUDA ??

    @YasudaCollector would probably comment on this nice looking little guy
  7. William

    YASUDA ??

    Looking that way...👍😎
  8. William

    Vacor ??

    Agree, Vitro all the way Be Cool 👍😎
  9. That first pic is crazy, lots of cool activity going on there...Cool Cat indeed 👍😎
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