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William last won the day on December 8

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About William

  • Birthday 06/04/1968

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    Marble and agate hunting, fishing, bumming around in the yard with the garden etc.,

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  1. Way better than a Nuclear Explosive Space Modulator...
  2. Could you possibly take some pictures against a darker background? And as size would really help also... Wondering about that little "dimple"....
  3. That second marble almost had me thinking Vacor Cotton Candy...
  4. Sweet marble....let's see what the resident MK enthusiast has to say...😉
  5. On my screen it's almost a coppery color but I can see the other traits as well...indeed let's see what a Pelthead can come up with...
  6. Agree x3 on the Pelt...is that glass on the second marble a bit of an irredecent? Maybe it's my phone...see what my "neighbor" thinks when she chimes in...
  7. Nice example, Stephen! My gal tends to cherry pick my blue based marbles...I'm absolutely sure this wouldn't be an exception lol...
  8. Agree ×2...show the black in better detail and give a size...and ×3 on the Akro Slag pending the black...2 pictures with what looks like too us shadow and not black don't tell enough of the tale...
  9. Interesting...I'm with Art, who knows his Vitro's I'm thinking that direction...looking forward to the opinions of others while at the same time thinking "Hmmm?" 👍😎
  10. Hmmm, cool marble! Hit it with backlighting and/or UV in a few pics....
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