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William last won the day on February 14

William had the most liked content!


About William

  • Birthday 06/04/1968

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  • Interests
    Marble and agate hunting, fishing, bumming around in the yard with the garden etc.,

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/15)

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  1. I'm looking at a CAC too I believe...
  2. Indeed nice score.. Looking forward to your individual posts for ID
  3. Website for viewing a large variety of Vacor styles is called Liste...
  4. Vacor has made quite a variety of this style of marble with the "frit"....Fairy, Asteroid, Blowfish, Brontosaurus, Destroyers, Madame Aneisha, Porcupine, Princess, Snow Leopard, Snowflake 2D, Stardust, Stelaris, to name some. I believe yours to be Vacor "Stardust" .... They are cool marbles
  5. I came to a stop to survey the situation....the video didn't last but a second because that's when the sheriff came up behind me...bye bye phone! 20250319_155000.mp4
  6. Yeah, right? I had zero business being out in this stuff but a beer after an interesting day called me out....actually drove 8 miles too the west around 1:30 pm, it was way worse out as you can see by the time I had to drive back east. This pic was taken around 4pm CST...2 miles into my slow trip back came across a Hertz truck in the ditch on the eastbound side, then probably 3 miles later there's a hill...as I rounded the bend to go down the hill I see a semi that had turned sideways across the road coming from the east, the driver was frantically waving in the road...simultaneously I saw the lights of the County Sheriff in my rear view....he waved me by minutes later, just enough room to squeeze by in my lane... Yep, a normally 8-10 minute drive took 35 minutes or better. Wet, heavy snow!
  7. Getting pounded in Spring Grove, Minnesota
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