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akroorka last won the day on August 8

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About akroorka

  • Birthday 12/21/1876

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  1. It has been a bit since I posted any new images—the Camera and Windows were fighting a bit. I found a solution and let’s get it on. I used to shoot with film—I am lucky to have the digital now. Let’s start with this one, my marble buddy Louie. The rest are images of a just killer one inch Akro patch—just killer imho—yes that is Oxblood involved. Yes a day early---I will take it if you do. I just love this stuff!! Marble—On!!
  2. I like this thought--too small for a "Superball" but I have seen a few of these over the years. Balls made of "Rubber" that get quite hard on the exterior ( heat—like in an Attic). The damage on this one does not match very well with “Play or Pocket wear”—It may be a zombie rubber ball ---still cool though. Attic's ---On!!
  3. I used to have some more of these Akro “Lemon Drops”—I am darned if I can find them. Cool marbles, not a slag or a corkscrew—not a swirl—just an Akro---something. This is a weak one at 23/32”. They came bigger for sure. A bit of white with lots of yellow, they look like they should light up under UV—the yellow glows orange on this one. I think that you have an Akro there. Marble—On!!
  4. Yes--pretty tuff. Akro Agate never advertised making anything under 9/16" as far as I know---but they were known by many old collectors to have included a "Peewee" marble on top of the bag when the "Popeye" boxes were sold. These are call Swea Peas( the spelling may be wrong) by collectors after Popeye’s adopted son. Although they are rare—“Master Made Marbles Marbles” also produced marbles under ½”. I will ID yours as a Master Made Marble and hope to see some more opinions. Pewees are a hard ID—they just do not act the same as a slightly larger marble. Perhaps @cheese has an opinion—or @Ric--or @Steph for sure. Many companies made Peewee Marbles--this one may be special imho. Marble—On!!
  5. akroorka

    YASUDA ??

    These seem not right to me-- Start comparing these with some marbles sold at this website. https://www.alibaba.com/ Marble—On!!
  6. I agree for sure but I see a little fleck of AV--which is actually part of the recipe of the glass minerals that was not melted into the glass or unabsorbed so to speak. This happens often with the green colors in any maker’s marbles—not so much with the Conquerors imho. Nice find! Marble—On!!
  7. Normal? not really in the USA. @Mojo is the best for an ID here--he knows his Veli's. Marble--On!!
  8. Chad is right on--again😁. Nice "Rainbo"---nice bubbles--No blow outs? Marble--On!!
  9. akroorka

    Vitro ?

    If you look at enough Vacor Cat Eyes like I do--you could not rule them out here. The colors and the patterns along with the base color vary to an unlimited degree. Vacor makes some very nice cat"s--very nice! This one is not near the top of what they make--just a kinda nice one that was hard to ID imho. Marble--On!!
  10. Backlight the first one looking for any opalescence (a redd-ish, orang-ish, pink-ish glow) It may be an Akro "Flintie"(probably from a dig site). The second one has fooled many for years, the colors of these CAC swirls in this color combo vary quite a bit--it does look like a dug Akro corkscrew for sure.I will call it a CAC swirl--common in this color combo but this one has some nice stuff going on with it and nice deep colors. The CAC "Flames" in this combo probably came from the same run--this one just fell short of being rare. The last one is an Akro slag imho--I take into consideration the damage that this one shows--nice old hard glass. Vacor makes one quite similar--not this one imho. Nice finds!!! I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. Marble--On!!
  11. Nice stuff Mojo! They are "The Real Thing" for sure😁. You know--"Coke--It's the Real Thing" ad--I am getting too old maybe--I can still remember the jingle that went with it. Marble--On!!
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