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akroorka last won the day on November 28

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About akroorka

  • Birthday 12/21/1876

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    All Glass

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  1. Get back on that Zamboni Fire—wear a mask—a good one. Go Eagles!!!
  2. Once you find the facets--you will be hooked. These were also made in California---LA--in the good ole USA. I love to backlight this type---just me maybe----not! Research these a bit more and find out how they were made. You will be hooked for sure. These marbles took a beating and kept on cooking. Here is one with backlight Marble--On!!
  3. Top image--- top left marble --more images please. Marble--On!!
  4. Thanks Jeff54, We do not generally accept any ads or links here--it should be deleted by me. You can edit your post and delete the link--this would be a good thing for sure. Thanks for showing up again and lets let this one slide for now. Keep it to marbles in the future though. Welcome back!! Marble--On!!!
  5. Great group Melissa! If I had a "Wedding Cake" it would be yours--just sayin. Marble--On!!
  6. Its all ok here. When you get similar marbles of this type it is always a good idea to backlight--hit them with some UV light and then stand back and look again. IMHO--- I think that these may be from three different makers. I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more--- Marble--On!!
  7. Nice find! I am happy to see that you have had these ID'd before you purchased them. I am waiting to see the rest---. Marble--On!!
  8. Yes my friend--sometimes I would rather blow some snow out of the driveway😁--or even mow the grass👇. ( not pick weeds out of the garden though) Thanks for stepping in here. Marble--On!!
  9. Welcome back my marble collecting friend--Better is way better than worse. Killer marbles by the way. Keep on keepin on --and---many thanks to your son😇. Marble--On!!
  10. Hybrid what is my question? It may be a swirl or a cat-eye. Image #5 shows what looks like a weak "Vitro Horse-Shoe Cat" imho. Nice clear glass for sure--is that bubble in image five blown out or intact? Nice marble!----Nice images! Thanks for showing it--- I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. Marble--On!!
  11. You are not the "odd man out" imho. Expect five soon😁. Marble--On!!
  12. Thanks Fire this is a good thing--- Happy Birthday ( belated) and be rewarded by your efforts--enuff said. Merry Marble Collecting!! Marble--On!!
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