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akroorka last won the day on March 5

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About akroorka

  • Birthday 12/21/1876

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  1. That stripe does look kinda reddish--cool find. Hard to tell from here though. I hope that someone will have an answer for you. I think that you are on the right track--I would call it a WVS for sure. Marble--On!!
  2. Cool Beans! Nice find--especially this time of year when Anti---queing is heavy. Something good happened for sure.. Marble--On!!
  3. Nice marble--Nice images as well. I would consider Vitro here. I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. Marble--On!!
  4. Lets call in @stephenb for an opinion here. My Spanish sucks. I for one do not know how I changed the title--it still fits though--sooorry for that. My mouse gets me in touble sometimes. Marble--On!!
  5. Agreed-One of very few I would be buried with. Nice marble!!
  6. Yes, I would say much harder--most, if not all, are patches that are hard to ID vs a Master which are a tad more common imho. These little Akro Patches were commonly placed on top of the poutch--just one--in the Akro Popeye Boxes. Collectors called them "Swea Pea" after Popeyes little adopted son. Marble--On!!
  7. akroorka


    Once learned, the trill of a Screetch Owl is very cool to hear. I love it. They will call back and forth until you give a Horned Owl hoot or three, then all is quite. Horned Owls prey on those little fellas. Cool stuff for sure. The Horned owls at least are setting up their breeding grounds and some may be nesting already. I always watch for Crows bunching up--they know what is up with birds of prey and they jump on any oppurtuntity to harrass them. I have seen them bug the heck out of an Eagle in the back fourty. Earlier this winter I watched a Coopers Hawk being harrased by a bunch of crows--He was not intimidated--he just wanted to eat one of them. Cool Stuff.
  8. Thanks Alan, I cannot log into AAM for any reason?? Marble--On!!
  9. "Duplos"---I still step on them when the great grandkids are on their way home--OUch!! --even on carpet with socks on.
  10. akroorka


    Nice image! About 35 years ago I was in the kitchen with my youngest son teaching him bird calls. We lived at the time in an ancient Virgin woods. I was doing a a Cardinal call when all of a sudden, just outside the window, a Barred Owl Let loose--Big time--shivers up the spine for both of us, what a memory! Ohh--hooh-hoo--Ohh hoo-hoo--Hoooooo!!! ( with a trill of sorts) Owls On for sure!
  11. All that I can say is Poor chicken--ouch. I made some scratch pancakes for my Grandaughter last weekend--two eggs were called for--one was a double yolker--I am not a pancake fan but these tasted pretty good--too much yolk for her--who knew? My Daughter -in law said she would take them home and eat them cold🤢. As a kid, I might have seen a triple yolker once--from a turkey duck--that is one big egg. I am sure that my Pa loved it along with his burnt Bacon--yuckkk🤢. Light the candles!!! Pancakes----Waffles---I still do not get it---Nan Bread is much better and easier to boot. Ummm--- Nan Bread and Chicken--no syrup--yuuk.
  12. Oh! I would love to see one. I collect old cardboard boxes but I have a few wooden ones as well. Show us what you are thinking of VA. Marble--On!!
  13. It sure does! I am thinking Akro here. Nice marble!
  14. Nice group of the smallies! Image seven may be a Vitro---colors only make me think this. #9 is probably a Master Made due to the cutlines and colors. The rest are Akro imho—just based on experience here and hard to explain. I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more. These little guys all act different from their bigger cousins—yep the 5/8”. Not always an easy ID these peewees. Marble—On!!
  15. Welcome NewGuy287 to TheMarbleConnection. Chad is right on--the middle images show a mixture of USA and Asian swirls. You may even have a Ravenswood in the mix--pretty cool. Break them up into groups of three or four and send some more images for ID. Marble--On!!
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