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Alan last won the day on February 24

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  1. Another great post expanding our knowledge. Thank you.
  2. If the seam goes completely around the circumference - yes.
  3. Yes, Akro corkscrew. No "name" per se (marble colors really don't need to be named).
  4. Not oxblood. Red glass. Oxblood is darker, usually has black detail lines and isn't transparent.
  5. And that confidence is based upon? I expect that in quoting specific values to the OP sight-unseen, you are ready to offer those amounts that you are confident in.
  6. They come up on Block's auctions semi-regularly. They also appear at shows. The Fall CT show had a few IIRC.
  7. Me: Jabo or DAS left, Jabo right.
  8. How do you know that they are rare? Who is the artist that made them? 6,000 art glass marbles in one place would set a world record.
  9. It looks like newer glass in those pics - but the pics appear heavily filtered/processed. It would help to see the raw, unprocessed pic.
  10. Good, well-focused pics. Newer (and some established!) collectors would do well to look at the glass and it's motion. Its very illustrative of this type.
  11. The only way for anyone to move that footlocker would been to scoop bowls of marbles into buckets to empty it. Six people wouldn't have been able to get it out of the van it was in. He must of filled it the same way. The wood footlocker wouldn't have held the weight of moving it in any case.
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