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  1. There is no such thing as Akro "same run". "Same run" has become a whimsical corruption of "same cane" from handmades. Seemingly to denote rarity and collectability. Akro ran standard dedicated production to a well-known palette of color combinations and types (corkscrews, patches etc). They filled orders taken by salesmen ordered on standardized product sheets by retailers. Changing glass in an otherwise well-running pot was unnecessary until the pot lining degraded and began mixing with the glass. So one machine could and did put out a popular type and color combination for many months - again, until the pot degraded. The entire idea of vintage marble production was to find a successful design and then produce it as cheaply as possible (very small fractions (~1/20th) of one cent each) as fast as possible 24 hours a day. Then, in Akro's case, ship 2-3 train boxcar loads twice each week. Get that machine producing an exact design and color combo and make many hundreds of thousands of them - cheap. Then rebuild the pot, lather, repeat. Sameness and consistency was the goal for each machine and operator. The Akro Agate production floor was quite large and sustained quite a few machines, not just a few. We know this because of statements made by Akro employees and proven by the layout of water drains on the production floor slab that went from the machines via a french drain system to the waste outflow. (Marbles were found in some of the french drains, including some weird oxbloods). I think that the "same run" idea was born of Facebook denizens who have not studied vintage machine made production and have dragged a factual handmade name to a romanticized mass-production idea that isn't supported by fact. Vintage machine made manufacturing was very rarely experimental. At 1/20th to 1/30th of a cent each, a manufacturer cannot afford much experimentation. The same is true of filling retailer orders. If you ship me marbles that look much different than what the salesman showed me in the (very consistent) Sample Case, then I'll tell you to take them back.
  2. It doesn't ring my Ravenswood bell.
  3. MK. Not oxblood. Note that MK oxblood, when it appears, is incidental oxblood.
  4. Pelt with an air bubble pop.
  5. I've never understood that agate makers specifically chose raw agate with much specificity beyond fissure-free to avoid fracturing during grinding.
  6. Its just a cold shear on a machine made. It looks more like modern glass, lacking any other identifying traits.
  7. I too have not heard of a "Green Jewel".
  8. You have it in hand and I don't, but trace the seam gap around. A flopover ingot happens when the single glass ingot is sheared and folds over on itself as it enters the rollers. Not an uncommon occurrence.
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