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Alan last won the day on November 27 2024

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    Down with decimals !

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  1. I'll go with your assertion that it is a brick with aventurine.
  2. If I am reading it correctly, your original post calls the presence of "aventurine" into some question. While I don't see it as a brick - if you say its a brick with "aventurine", then its a brick with "Aventurine". Assuming this assertion, then its not clear (to me anyway) what this post is about. But I'll go with your assertion on it's ID.
  3. Focus and exposure aren't good, but from those pics - not a brick. And bricks don't have "aventurine". Reflections can be anything including subsurface stars from impact/pressure. If someone looks hard enough hoping for "aventurine", they will find it where it doesn't exist. "Aventurine" desire is becoming a 17th century Dutch tulip craze thing.
  4. Might I suggest sunlight, when practical. Plain, neutral background. Morning and late afternoon sun is easiest IME.
  5. The flash is overwhelming the pic. I can't make much of it.
  6. Alan


    Not a Snotty but I like it all the same.
  7. I suppose that I am that fellow, and no - I don't see that as the type you are referring to.
  8. Contemporary ribbon swirl. I don't see an artist signature in those pics, so there is no attribution possible. The technique is used by many artists.
  9. Bit too out of focus and (probably) boosted color (HDR/Vivid) to take a guess.
  10. Alan

    Hey all

    MK. May be newer, but pics are far enough away that I can't call it.
  11. Not Akro, not oxblood.
  12. Alan


    That very thin black veneer striping is more common to MK. Also, look for a tiny flake somewhere....anywhere. See what the glass is beneath the veneering.
  13. Alan


    I'm leaning MK.
  14. As Ron was so clear and repetitive in saying, glass colors don't mix. They may overlay.
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