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About Gracie

  • Birthday 04/04/1966

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  1. Ebay is a crock of shit. I just got all my listings removed for supposed shill bidding because my account is associated with my ex's (this is the guy who killed himself by the way) His sister got on his account and bid on one of my items (she didn't know it was me to begin with and if she did she wouldn't have bid because we don't speak). I can't list anything but buy it now's for 14 days at $.50 a pop and lost all the fee's I paid for the stuff I had listed and all the bids I had! I don't need to shill bid anything, stuff is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it period! When Scott took his life I tried to cancel all his accounts as far as yahoo, ebay and other stuff and I told ebay that and they just don't give a shit. I am fed up with them and their greedy practices - they are encouraging theives and crooks to sell on their site because there is no retribution at all!!! God forbid they lose their listing and final value fee's not to mention the paypal fee's!!! Rhonda
  2. I want to thank everyone for their support on this. The messages, pm's and emails were all wonderful! I went to the walk yesterday just hoping to be able to do some of it as I was healing from a 3 week bout of pneumonia. I actually did the whole thing! It was a bittersweet day with lots of memories both good and bad. For those of you that don't know, Benton County has the highest suicide rate in the State of Indiana. Although I did this for Scott there were quite a few others I knew that had chosen to leave this world including a 10 year old boy and a 17 year old girl. I still find it hard to comprehend how someone can get so desperate that they can't manage to try for just one more day. My mind is healthy enough to accept their decision but my heart will never let go of the "what if's". I would also like to extend a special thanks to Chuck and Diane Brandstetter, Al Rasmus and Joe Street. I never thought that when I decided to collect marbles that I would find such a wonderful group of friends! Scott and my youngest kids. About 150 people showed up for the walk, 90% students which was awesome! Our memories being sent to the sky. Joe, I let one go for you!! Thanks Again!! Rhonda
  3. Good Morning, I don't post on these boards much, I'm usually at LOM. I realize most of you go there too but I wanted to blanket the marble world lol. For those of you that don't know, a man that I cared very much for decided to end his life on Memorial Day this year. Some of you may have met him at the Kokomo Show last year. For that reason and many others I've decided to try and complete the walk for suicide prevention this year. Below is the post that I posted on LOM. You can also see his tribute at http://www.respectance.com/Scott_Douglas_Mills/ This may be wrong of me to do and if it is please delete it or lock it. I just registered for our local Out of the Darkness Walk. It's a fundraiser for suicide prevention. I'm walking for Scott. I'm not sure how long I will be able to with my health right now but I'm going to try to complete it. If anyone wants to donate it goes to a good cause. A $1 donation is perfect and can be done with paypal. http://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm...&destination=E Edit... Rhonda, I had trouble with this link, but found you in the site... Hopefully, this link will work better... Rhonda's Donation Page On the right hand side is a list called Top Fundraisers. Click on Rhonda Krol. Even if you don't want to donate I still wanted to let you know about these walks and some may even be in your area! Thanks Rhonda
  4. I'm going with Vitro too. That blue is in a lot of my tiger eyes and especially the conquerors. Rhonda
  5. I voted! Way cool picture! I added it to my facebook page as well. Rhonda
  6. How cool! I wish my father was still alive. His cb handle was foxfire as was his ebay name and email name. He would have loved the marbles with the name! Rhonda
  7. I have 1. Aside from it being nifty looking I never thought it was much of anything special, am I wrong? Rhonda
  8. Here's some that I have that I could get my hands on. The clearies came from an MK Dig site. Rhonda
  9. Oh my gosh! I have some of my father's ashes and wondered if they were ever going to be in anything but a little tube. The tatoo idea is awesome and will delve into that as well as the marble idea! Thanks!! Rhonda
  10. Gracie

    Ad Heaven

    Steph, these are cool! Are they yours that you scanned or did you dig them up on the web? If you did could you let me in on your "digging" secrets? Rhonda
  11. I'll be there barring any complications with my daughters surgery. She's going in for a cardiac ablation on Friday at Methodist so I'll be at the hotel that evening. Someone have a beer ready for me, I"m probably gonna need it!!! Rhonda
  12. No wonder I'm confused and decidedly going to collect pelts - much easier I think Gracie
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