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Everything posted by browncat73

  1. The Smokey orange mib third one down might be Kokomo not sure.
  2. @Fire1981 Thanks, I like them a lot. The colors pop and both remind me of paintings. They just stand out so much more than the usual rainbows
  3. These are two of my favorite mibs, I’m pretty sure these are pelts but, never actually confirmed with anybody else. Thanks for looking.
  4. I actually have the Jabo that looks similar. Mib on the left is Jabo
  5. @Ric Here’s another patch I have that has trace adventurine in it. I have only been able to catch it while shining a flashlight on it.
  6. @Ric Think you’re right it, it almost glows without any UV hitting it. It probably is Jabo
  7. Is this one also Akro Oxblood? Color matches up to the Oxblood patches
  8. My son jacked my UV light, I’m going to have to shake him down when he gets home. I’m sure it’s buried in a pile of legos somewhere
  9. One more Akro Oxblood, Carnelian I believe
  10. @akroorka four of the five that I have are all under 5/8 the fifth one the swirl is right at 5/8”. I’m not much of an Akro guy and would be willing to part with them via trade or sale.
  11. I came across another one, this one is smaller almost pee wee size
  12. @Chad G. @Carowill @CharlieT Thanks gents! I almost separated them in with my junk pile. Glad I took a second look
  13. Are all four of these Akro’s?
  14. No idea on these two, need some id help. Both are .59 in Thanks for looking!
  15. I lucked out yesterday. Gambled on three jars of mibs in an online estate auction that you couldn’t see. Two of the jars were crap but, the third bore fruit. $60 bucks all in with shipping. No idea what these are worth but, think I at least got my monies worth.
  16. @Ric Would backlighting it help me tell if it’s got some AV?
  17. Need some help on this one. Thanks for taking a look!
  18. @Ric it’s 5/8” I’m pretty sure it’s not a pelt. I originally thought vitro but the seams don’t line up.
  19. @Steph Ahhh! Your right. I can’t keep all this straight I should know better by now
  20. I’m leaning MFC on this one with the seam work and base two color. Look at the sick Stache on this guy. Meet the Muzzie Mib.
  21. @Carowill Thanks! I’ve been hitting on some nice pelts lately
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