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Everything posted by browncat73

  1. Picked up 50 new Mibs off of Offerup. Here's a few that I've got some pics on. Gentleman wanted $40 I was able to get him down to $30, still more than I'd have liked but doesn't look like a bad purchase so far.
  2. @Ric@cheese Are the pastels pretty common? I've run through hundreds of cats and this is the first one I've seen.
  3. Ahhh your right I always get Marble King mixed up with the Vitro Catseye. Thanks for the correction
  4. Thanks to everyone for the comments!
  5. Hoping I'm correct on both but, always need those different sets of eyes on it. The Persian matches up with Robert Blocks book. Thank you!
  6. The below is the first pastel Vitro Catseye I've found and was wondering if these came from the St Mary's location?
  7. I wasn't sure the website only mentions the blue and yellow and not the green. I haven't seen a picture yet with the swirling on only half the marble or the pattern. If it is a blue tang it's def unique.
  8. Here's the other pelts that came with this one:
  9. Right on! Thanks. The cosmic rainbow is pretty killer first one I've seen.
  10. This one came with a bunch of other pelts and no other Vacors that I can tell it just seems kind of random
  11. I scored some new Mibs and this one jumped out at me. Pretty sure it's a pelt? Size is .58 in. I have a few more I'll post in a bit.
  12. Yep, Jabo was where I was leaning on the first two but the third I wasn't so sure on.
  13. Shared these on the swirl post yesterday and need some ID Assists. These are from a fake Alox bag I purchased a while back from an estate sale. All of these are 5/8 in in size.
  14. I have no idea, all of these came out of a forged/fantasy Alox package. Along with this Jabo
  15. A few new swirls I picked up today for swirly picture day!
  16. I'm not familiar with Champion at all, they don't tend to pop up very often. I really like the internal swirl and the colors are awesome. Thanks gents!
  17. It does have a an opening into a perfect cylinder going directly through the center. It's pretty cool how they can ream a hole through the glass like that where you can see straight to the other side. Thanks for all the help!. Wish I could get a good pic of it
  18. Really? How the hell can they mess up a cats eye that bad? It's not even close! Someone told me the other was some kind of African bead marble, ever heard of it?
  19. Two cool Mibs but, I have no idea about the one that I'm pretty sure was used as a bead??
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