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Everything posted by browncat73

  1. Here's three more from same purchase. I'm thinking all three are Akro? Size 23.0 MM Size 23.2 MM Size 23.0 MM
  2. Thanks for the feedback gents! So I hit all three with the UV light and the last two mibs light up but, nothing on the first. See below for some sizes and collage pics: FIrst Mib (so far vote is contemporary) comes in at 24.0 MM Second Mib (The swirl in the middle reacts to UV) comes in at 21.4 MM Third Mib (German Latt Mib, def vintage also has glow under UV, not as much as second mib but, has faint glow) comes in at 18.2 MM
  3. Awesome! Thanks for the post @Steph
  4. Hi All, I posted this somewhere and lost track but, here goes. Had a pretty exciting score today from an estate sale that was just about to end. I got about fifty Mibs for $16 bucks and these three jumped out immediately. I'm not 100 percent on what the first two are but, hoping you fine folk could assist. I'll have some better pics and I'm sure more mibs to show once I go through them all.
  5. Sweet! What type mib would you call that?
  6. Hi All, Had a pretty exciting score today from an estate sale that was just about to end. I got about fifty Mibs for $16 bucks and these three jumped out immediately. I'm not 100 percent on what the first two are but, hoping you fine folk could assist. I'll have some better pics and I'm sure more mibs to show once I go through them all.
  7. Thanks @Chad G. Do people collect marble games? I'm in it for the mibs id rather sell or trade for more marbles. Just curious if there was a market for these.
  8. I lucked up on this a few days ago on a blind auction bid for a small box with mostly junk for ten bucks. The game was complete including the Mibs. It looks like the company was based out of NJ and sourced their MiBs from Christensen. They look like a mix of moons, white swirls and light blue swirls. The game is in incredible shape I can't believe it for how old it is.
  9. Ahhhhhh yes brillant subject to philosophize about ole chap, ye say what be a corkscrew anyways? To be a marble with screwings of cork.....or not to be a screwed marble? That is the question...Whether tis nobler to have marbles with screw and to suffer the slings and arrows of sudden dizziness and possible gastric distress when gazed uponeth. To this I say tis better to live with marbles of screw and cork with the runny bunnies than to die with intense gastric distress without these corkscrew mibs ye speak of! Oh yeah! Suck on that Mrs. Clark I deserved a B- NOT that crap C you strattled me with and yes iT'S TRUE I only chose Hamlet because it has the word Ham in it! I may or may not have had to many bourboons today
  10. For swirly Saturday a few swirls i've been trying to identify..Yay! Yellow Mib Size - 15.2 MM Light Red Mib - 14.9 MM Red Fish Mib - 15.8 MM Lavender Mib - 14.2 MM Blue Mib - 16.0 MM
  11. I didnt notice any difference when I shined with the blacklight, I wish I could get a better shot. The cutline on it has me leaning pelt, I thought it was a caged cats eye at first but, after taking a different look at it, its just different. Thanks for taking a look! Just one of those weird ones.
  12. Hi all, I found this when going back through my cat eye discard pile and not sure how I missed this one but, glad I found it. It's a really cool mib and not easy to get a good pic that shows it off but the below wil have to do for now. This mib is 16.1
  13. Agreed. Sweet DRizzlage on those
  14. Thank you @wvrons i'm also finding that Jabo's glow under blacklight more than any other mfg Ihave come asross c ome across so far and they tend to be out of round most of the time.
  15. Hi All, Thanks for looking at me mibs there pardner. The clear and white Mib is 15 MM and the other I believe is a Master Mib sitting at a hair under 16 MM.
  16. Thanks all! It's been rough with the back
  17. Been laid up past week or so, finally had my backiotomy. Just me and my mibs. I was jonesing to roll a marble through my fingers, the pain is real! Anybody wanna take a shot at these two below? Both are 5/8"
  18. I forgot about this one. This one is right on at 1 inch.
  19. Hi, I hope all are well. Having issues with these three. All of them are just under an inch at 23.7 MM. ThankYou!
  20. https://marbleconnection.com/joemarbles/1Marble Picture Pages/17Peltier/Peltier 013/1 Peltier Large Pages/The Peltier Glass Company 13-06.html
  21. I think I finally figured this one out, thanks to Joes Marbles. He has a picture of one with an orange stripe
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