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Everything posted by browncat73

  1. These are similar to the one I posted yesterday but, these are smaller and colors don't seem as bright. 3 mins total multiple pics of different angles
  2. @Fire1981 Word, I'd like to see these things. Thank you sir
  3. A Vacor "Alien" wth is that haha? I figured it was a Catseye for the longest time but I've never seen any others with that dark coloring plus the yellow is at the very top surface of the marble. Thanks gents for the assist, I'll go check out some more Vacors. I think I have a few imperials I'm working on posting shortly.
  4. I appreciate the help as always. I think it's a Master but I have no idea just a stab in the dark. I love the color
  5. Thanks @wvrons Again I'm lacking on Imperial and familiar at all with them. Guess I need to go down a google hole and get acquainted. Thanks all!
  6. Thanks all No glow on the blue one, size is 5/8. This one bothers me I feel like I've seen the same type before but, I can't remember for the life of me what it was.
  7. First mib im Leaning Pelt size is 5/8. Second and third mib im guessing Alley but no idea. As always I appreciate all the help.
  8. Happy Swirl Day! Bringing the Vacor Hurricanes....aribba ariiiiiiiiibbbaa..le marble muoy en fuego
  9. Really? The seam,size, the vortex and swirl characteristics are pretty clear cut in my opinion. Plus Jabo are usually out of round. I believe there are more cac characteristics than there are Jabo on this one. If this were poker I'd go all in
  10. This still really irritates me. Coming from where I'm actually invested in and happy about marble collecting as a hobby. I want to learn as much as I can about the subject, the experts on this site are extremely generous and responsive when I request help identifying a marble and I'm extremely grateful for them sharing their collective knowledge. This kind of crap turns people off from wanting to help and it hurts everyone.
  11. The red Mib size is 37/64 and the yellow is 35/64
  12. Thanks gents! I wasn't to sure on the Ketchup and Mustard but I believe it's one of the "newer" style MK's
  13. Seriously if someone posted this already for 20K they are a straight up ahole. The condition alone on that thing
  14. @cheese Haha is it really on ebay already? I've been looking through recently and let me tell you there is some straight bulls*** people are trying to get away with. The prices on some are just stupid. This is a really cool mib but doesn't look like CAC to me.
  15. I have no idea on either one of these, the white and reddish swirl I was thinking Akro but someone told me it could be a Leighton? Not very familiar on those. I have no idea on the blue swirl but I like it!
  16. Two MK Bumbles, One MK Girl Scout, One MK Ketchup and Mustard + One Unknown blue and white swirl. Thank you!
  17. Here are a few more pics, you can see the 9 and tail pretty clear. I took some different offset and Angle shots. Hope this helps
  18. It was a stretch on the Cat but it's some of the clearest glass I've come across. I'm not strong on Cairo I need to dig into that one a bit more. Thanks all!
  19. Two Mibs from latest haul. Is the oxblood transparent swirl a Heaton? Thinking the cat is foreign maybe Japan?
  20. I'll see if I can get some better pics but the nine is def there its easy to see when holding but trying to get the light just right for the camera is the issue
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