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  1. wormie


    Not sure on these two they both have some drizzle to them,kinda stumped any help is appreciated,Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
  2. Oh for sure I'm a big fan of slags myself and payed way more than that for just one! Fantastic find ❤️
  3. Welcome friend when they say look for a signature look at the poles of the marble(where the bands/design meet ) here are a couple of examples
  4. I'm digging that first pic with the inner drizzle as far as the cut seam it's faint but I'd say beginning lashes,I'm not expert take my comment with a grain of salt 😉 I'd put it with my akro
  5. Thank you thank you it was one of those I had to have it buys 🫣
  6. 4th photo from the top looks very pelt to me,very fascinating!
  7. Dug akro added to the drizzle my shizzle family 🫣🤣super happy with this purchase!
  8. Ohhh I didn't know that good info sir ....this is why I love this forum thanks for the input art!!!
  9. I like that I was hoping for akro and yes the long drawn out drizzle tail had me hooked when I seen it,I'm a big fan of the drizzles my shizzles 🤣❤️
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