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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. My guess is two heatons and 2 alleys.
  2. Heck yea so do I! 🎉 Would love to see pics of your faves! Is there a non-marble glass collectors thread anywhere?
  3. Hello There!! I realized today I never did an introductory post! My apologies that this is a few months late. I am new to the world of marbles, but have been a collector/treasure hunter for 30+ years. I love finding old stuff and then learning about it. Here are some other things about me in no particular order: I have worked at two of the larger online auction houses-giving me some great exposure to a wide range of treasures. I vaguely recall a few riker cases of marbles sitting on my desk that I now desperately wish I had paid more attention to! I have about 15,000 pokemon cards, which I have been collecting since 1998. I love trains and train photography---as much as I love marbles, I find it way easier to take 100 pictures of a moving freight train than 10 pictures of a marble haha. I recently started teaching myself how to use a DSLR and always am looking to improve my photo skills. While I am pretty terrible at IDing marbles so far, I am fairly decent at IDing American glassware (depression glass, EAPG, kitchen stuff etc) if there are any newer glass collectors out there looking for a hand. Anyways, if you are still reading, thank you! I appreciate you and this group for being the keystone of my marble education! I totally recognize that the info shared here is beyond priceless--endless thanks to you all for your wisdom and patience! Cheers, Happy New Year and TGIF! JZ P.S. While I am in this group to learn and not to sell stuff, I am willing to part with almost any treasures I have posted for a fair offer-- I am getting uncomfortably close to reaching hoarder status. Just throwing it out there--though I suspect many of you are in similar situations! ❤️
  4. Wow awesome Blenko collection @schmoozer !!! I know this is an old thread, but I am hoping you are still in this group and collecting Blenko! If so, I would love to ask you some ID questions if possible.
  5. Yellow and "coral" swirl. I don't know if it's technically coral but it looks like a red mixed with white (making a peachy coral color). Base color yellow is more lemony than mustard. I think its an Alley not a CAC? .63 Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  6. ooooo thank you!!! I think It feels more Alley than Jabo, now knowing Alley is an option (FWIW)
  7. oh ok so the flatter flakes were earlier, frittier ones are later. Thank you!!!! Growing up there was a Vacor marble display at the local toyshop and I got a little red bumpy guy one time. Probably mid/late 90's. I think it's in this pile actually haha
  8. They do not feel like this type of Vacor, if thats what you mean?
  9. 2 Vacor Galaxies? Can't find a comparable of the red one yet but I am assuming its also a Vacor Galaxy? These have a smooth surface, also. .98 thanks in advance
  10. Green and red swirl. Based on another recent ID post, is this a Jabo? .62 thanks in advance
  11. ooo thank you I will do an inspection and report back!
  12. Thank you!! If it doesn't have a name already, it should be Batman
  13. I think all three could be Peltier 🤔
  14. Love this pyramid-shaped guy!!! That brushy patch + seams + lovely base glass= Master!? Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  15. Newer is all I meant thank you! 1990s versus 1890s lol.
  16. Yellow and black patch...Has to be an Akro, right? Thanks in advance.
  17. Peltier or Vitro? or Other? .59 Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  18. Thanks! Any idea whether its old or contemporary though?
  19. Cool looking marble! Is the bottom "cut" in the picture below a cut or is the brown oozing out of the center like that? If so, does that make it a corkscrew (one continual ribbon) Looks kind of CACish to me (a noob).
  20. Right? Not that I have seen that many relatively. The red, white, green combo is why i originally had thought it was just a regular ole cat (only XXL).
  21. Thank you-- I agree--that purple is fierce!
  22. Just would like to confirm that these are all Type One Vitro Tiger Eyes. Thank you in advance!
  23. Thank you! I like it too, even tho it has seen better days. I resurrected it from my marble graveyard when I noticed the base glass has aged similarly to some other handmades I have- despite having a completely different "interior". Would you still call it a cat eye?
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