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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. Oooo Thats pretty dang close with those yellow bands. Thanks @Chad G. and @akroorka! P.S. I forgot to mention that I suspect this is not a true opaque black, but a very dark reddybrown fake black.
  2. Black/Yellow/Brownish redorange. Vacor? Imperial? .85 TIA
  3. These have to be Vacor Vampires, correct? Thanks all.
  4. Just saw this beauty @Dave 13 Wowzerrrrs now thats a Peltier!!!!
  5. Thank you! It's a pretty nice lookin' one then, IMO
  6. Wow, @wvrons that is definitely one of the coolest Peltiers I have seen thus far. Unreal. Here's my largest Peltier.
  7. Bumblebee I think if its a Vacor
  8. I want to say its a Vacor, but it's pretty enough I thought there was a chance it was something else. .63 TIA for any comments
  9. YAY, thank you for your ongoing support on this, Sir.
  10. I am thrilled to report that I found the marble in question!!!! ,
  11. Thank you! I wonder why only some of the amber pieces glow? Maybe those are older?
  12. That is a real beauty, @Dave 13. Happy Sunday, all
  13. Truth is, I agree with your wife. But better an amber one than none at all, I suppose!
  14. I'd call it a Guinea Superman before I called it a Peltier.
  15. Does the Blue glow? That guy might be a Kokomo. And I think the last one is Jabo or Cairo (would love to know for sure because I have some too)
  16. Thank you, Sir, I will post many comparison photos... as soon as I can find the marble. 🤦‍♀️ Been looking since last night. heres two other pics of it in the mean time: Vacor as Heck
  17. Omg! so cool!!! Are you missing a lid? Maybe that piece type didn't have one. I think the bonus one I picked up today would fit it if so (its the wrong scale for my set).
  18. Picked these little Akro pieces up today for $20. 2 of them glow like crazy!
  19. Lol I'm that certain its a Vacor, I'd say take your pick.
  20. Thank you Ric!!!! I think so too! and thank you @Dave 13!!
  21. I kinda think this is an aKro but that means its probably the opposite lol
  22. yeeeep schooled once again! those are so cool, ive never seen opaque ones . Thanks for sharing @wvrons
  23. Maybe its not a Liberty. But I'd be willing to bet one of my fingers it is a Vacor.
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