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Everything posted by Lastfling

  1. Yes - base glass is transparent blue.
  2. Forgot about this LoL. Had bees in the trees which distracted me. Dern girls don’t know how to stay at home sometimes. This does appear to be a wonky 4 vein cat of some type. For what it’s worth I attempted some backlight - don’t know if it helps any.
  3. Missing 2 marbles and box is showing some wear, but I believe they’re the same. Marbles are 27/32. Took a lot of scrolling to find the reference pic lol. I could remember seeing it but not where. Picked up while antiquing one day last year.
  4. Don’t know about the gray picnic table lol. Actually it’s on the window sill - inside. Right on the money with the trees though. Thanks for the Alley confirmation!
  5. Did I get the Alley right 🤔
  6. 3/4” Added the black light pic, not that it pertains to anything other than eye candy.
  7. Thanks all. What characteristics point to this being Japanese transitional as opposed to CAC? I haven’t heard of a Japanese transitional, so this is a learning experience for me.
  8. Thanks! It was bottled by the Boone Rock Bottling Company located in Spencer, North Carolina in the 1940’s. The variant pictured with the curve above Boone Cola on the neck is the most hard to find.
  9. Went to a sale with wife this week to see if there was anything I couldn’t live without. Marble pickings were exceedingly slim and those that were there were overpriced for what they were. Mostly jars of commons. I did buy a couple for a few dollars just because either they looked nice ( see ID thread) or because of size - a whopper 1 1/4” 4-vane cats eye, juxtaposed with a 19/32 3-vane pee wee, and a Marble King patch and ribbon. I did manage a couple pieces of Akroware a piece of vintage local soda advertising and prize of prizes a Belgium made Browning SA-22.
  10. Not exactly into them per se, but these caught my eye at a festival wife and I went to this weekend. Thanks for the tip though!
  11. 3/4". Any ideas as to maker? These were a little different from the usual I come across.
  12. I’ve been keeping honeybees for the past 6 years and one of the benefits is honey - sometimes more than I gift, sell, etc. Here’s one of the solutions to a surplus. My 2022 Apple / Cranberry Cyser. ( Cyser is a Mead using apple juice as opposed to say, a Melomel, which is a Mead using spices, or a straight Mead using just honey and water. ). All Mead uses honey as the fermentable sugar. The 4 bottles in front left are a pure Mead with using just honey and water. Both are a little on the stout side at 16% ABV. LOL
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