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Everything posted by Lastfling

  1. Thanks Ric. It is a nice looking marble. Hope it’s not confusing those that didn’t see pic b4 I removed it.
  2. Chad - thanks. I need to pay more attention to what I’m doing. One of those Duhh moments. It does kinda look like an All Red doesn’t it.
  3. Happened to me just last week LOL. Bar pinched so tight nothing short of breaking out the second saw was going to free it.
  4. A little late to the thread, but what a great site for relics William. Quick question - is that a clear cod liver oil bottle in the upper left of photo?
  5. Inks, Case Gins and CAC’s - killer combo!
  6. Whoops - thought I’d put the size. It’s 7/8”
  7. I was leaning that way too. Thanks for looking!
  8. Thanks - I’ll see if I can get one. Meanwhile - Alley it is - Thanks again
  9. Here are two red and 2 yellow patch with cloudy base. (1) red is 1”, (1) is 13/16. Both yellows are 5/8.
  10. I wanted to revisit this with some pics showing the real colors of this marble.
  11. Was using a flashlight to help highlight in the first set , but just natural light in the second set.
  12. I’m not sure either Ric. I’ve tried again.
  13. 3/4” - clear base glass with mostly white veneer swirl but one white thread thru center pole to pole
  14. Clear base with white veneer on poles and yellow ribbon.around equator. 9/16.
  15. 9/16” . The base glass is actually white not blue as showing in photo.
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