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Everything posted by Newton

  1. Thanks for all the help and replies… now for the last question. I have about about 30 marbles I’d like to take to the marble show and get help with I.D.’s and talk about to the dealers and other collectors. Separate from those, I also have a lot of not very interesting/common types and want to know if there is ANY REASON to take them, or have them available in my room just in case they might be someone’s cup of tea? Since I’m a marble show newbie I just have no idea.
  2. That’s a nice looking marble!
  3. Thanks … the blue is what I was wondering about too. The photos are a bit dark.
  4. So… what are the attributes that make it a clown? This .65 marble looks similar to me (except for the “hook”.) Is it a clown also? ….. or Akro corkscrew?
  5. I thought of a new general question. Will there be some dealers or vendors that will have marble collecting supplies for sale? Storage or display options, for instance?
  6. Note paper is a good idea! I had planned to bring pre-labeled plastic boxes to put any new marbles I may get. But in asking questions I might learn things about a particular marble other than the maker.
  7. Is there usually a grading service offered at the shows?
  8. Thanks! Cool info. This is a good reminder to keep on checking back on posted topics for new information.
  9. I plan to attend the Northeast Marble Meet in CT next week. It’s my first time to attend a marble show. I’m not a dealer, artist or a vendor. I have a small collection but will primarily be attending to experience what the show is like and to talk to other enthusiasts and collectors, and maybe pick up a few marbles. I’m not sure I have any marbles that others might be interested in trading for but I do understood there will be some in room trading, etc., in addition to what happens during the event hours. I have booked a room for Friday and Saturday. I’m also unclear on general trading etiquette regarding marbles. Any tips on how to not be completely annoying to other attendees would be appreciated!
  10. A couple of questions…. What features make it a Figure 8 marble? Are they specific to Japan?
  11. Didn’t consider that but…. looks like not. Ty. UV did highlight the etched ribbon well though
  12. I picked up this clear marble in a thrift store. At first I thought it had a vey pale colored ribbon on the surface. I cleaned it at home and what I thought was pale color is actually etching. No color and the ridges can be felt when running a fingernail across the surface. I haven’t seen anything like it before but thought you folks may have and it could be just some common thing. Ty for any comments.
  13. I didn’t buy but just a few of these. I might call the guy at some point and make him an offer for the whole lot and clean them up. There are some good ones in there but that can had water in it at some point so a lot of those marbles have rust stains.
  14. I wouldn’t know any of the marble names but do have a question about the coffee can comment. Is there a reason to not put marbles in metal cans? Scratch or rust potential? This photo is not a coffee can but it is metal. Most of these marbles had rust on them. I passed on these. I didn’t have $300 to spend for the lot nor know if that was a deal, or if rusty marbles can be cleaned. The guy did let me pick a few for ten bucks.
  15. Ok, thanks! Something about the style made me think of it.
  16. This is almost my one month anniversary at the Marble Connection. A complete neophyte, I know, but I just have to say this is my favorite post yet! A great variety of marbles and exciting things ever for long term members to see. I know my collection will never be big but I know I will have a lot of fun when I get to a marble show! Thanks for sharing about your adventure.
  17. I’ll have to check that out! I got the 30 page Cat’s Eyes marble pamphlet in the mail today. It’s probably a good place to start and has some good info. As a bonus to my day I saw this cool Cat’s Eye Marble lamp today. I know marbles in jars are way overdone but this looked more classy than I would have expected.
  18. Nice photo! I have one, 1 marble like those. Sometimes I feel like I live in a marble desert. But taking care of so many marbles is big job. A labor of love, I understand, but still somewhat daunting.
  19. Is that the marble artist that makes the pig marbles?
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